Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Girls night temple trip

We had a little girls night temple trip. Tacos at rubios, temple, and then hanging out talking til after 11. That was a fun filled 5.5 hours. Can't wait to go again next month! 


After rubios.

At the temple. I may have been mentioning that I accidentally stroked Andreas backside. Somehow I was talking in a vast majority of the pictures taken tonight.

Sarah's attempt at photography. (Shannon took the ones above)

And my attempt to get a better shot.

Seriously so much fun. 

Other notables from today:
It was a busy day. We were 45 minutes late to the park group today in our neighborhood but there was a good turn out and excellent weather. My arms got sunburned. I had an awesome time staying after and talking to Jenna more. When we got home, there was an enormous bee flying around in our kitchen so we all hid in my bedroom while Abigail went potty and then we ran outside to eat our sandwiches on the lawn. More "picnics" except that we all know I'm just doing it so my kitchen stays cleaner. I put Brady down for nap and Abigail and I stayed in her room and read books until my honey got home. He had to work from home for a while but still... He was home by 4!  That's crazy!  And thankfully he got that bee out of our kitchen. We ate enchiladas together (well, the three of us since Brady was napping) and discussed the pros and cons of preschool. Chris is all for it. I'm dragging my feet hardcore (Ps- Liza, I found out this morning that our kindergarten here is half day) because I'm lazy and hate committing to things. And then I got ready and was actually on time/early to Sarah's house at 5:40. And then I drove us all... Which was amusing. And then I decided to go to Walmart at 11pm. Because we were almost out of milk and today was the last day it was on sale and I needed more produce. Well, between tonight and last night's epic Costco trip, I'm hoping I don't need to go real shopping for a looong time. So today marks the start of that challenge... I'll see how long I last! 

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