Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Just okay

Tonight as I tucked Abigail in bed, I asked her if I was a good mom or just okay. 

"Just okay"

So then I asked her if I was a good mom,  a great mom, or just okay. 

"Just okay"

And then two minutes later, I closed her door a little more than she wanted and she started whining about it, so I slammed it open and it bounced back to shut completely closed and dark in her room and she freaked out and started crying. 

That's why I'm "just okay."  I can't just keep my cool for five more seconds to finish the night off strong. 

Also, I spend so much time in bed these days that brady has started throwing fits about it and crying "mommy! Get out of bed!" indefinitely until I get out of bed.  I seriously suck. 

Maybe tomorrow I can be a better mom...? 

; ) 

I'll try. 

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