Wednesday, April 29, 2015

"It's messy"

4.28.15 around 5pm

Abigail is at Lucy's house. Since brady woke up and it's just the two of us right now, we decided to head outside with our snack. Watermelon slushie and goldfish. We each had our own watermelon slushie, but just one bag of goldfish between the two of us. Brady was so adorable and was all "I wanna share goldfish with you mommy" in his sweet voice that rises and sounds strained by the end of his long sentence. I thought maybe he would bring the bag to me so I could take a few, or maybe just pull one out of the bag to put in my hands... But he wouldn't. I literally laughed out loud as he pulled a handful from the bag and said "no mom, it's too messy!" as he held up his fist to put the goldfish directly in my mouth. So even though he had dirt coated hands, I couldn't resist letting him share with me.

I'm obviously not big enough to handle eating goldfish on my own without getting my hands messy. 

"It's too messy, mom!"

That's by far been the best laugh of the day 

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