Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Call me grumpy

I've been so out of sorts lately. I know the fatigue and backaches are contributing to the situation, but seriously, I'm reaching the end of my rope. My sad attitude is killing me. I know my situation hasn't changed... It's just my perception. 

So, with that in mind, here's my attempt at appreciation some of the things today that have annoyed me.

Brady actually cleaned up all of the golf toys that were scattered around my bedroom. 

Abigail wanted a new bandaid so she went to take care of that on her own. I got annoyed at the big mess of wrappers and that she wasted too many band aids, but the truth of the matter is that the waste probably cost two pennies, and my kid is independent and confident in her abilities to take care of situations and solve her own problems. Also, I was annoyed because after all of this, she didn't even have a bandaid on her toe... turns out it's too tricky for a five year old... But I should have been more grateful that she was okay with it and didn't whine or complain or curse the world that her efforts weren't working. 

The kids were playing so well together outside. Even though I got crazy upset that they broke our neighbor's lawn decoration, I'm trying to remember how happy I was when I saw the two of them riding together on Brady's tricycle as if they were on a motorcycle... With brady in back, arms wrapped around and holding on to Abigail's waist. And both of them just laughing and laughing. They really played so sooo well together today.

Also, that they cleaned up the playroom and Abigail's room tonight... Helping each other and doing their part. It took a while, and they still whined and got distracted a bit, but (probably because they still knew they were on my bad side from breaking the neighbor's thing) they did it well. They also ate dinner well and got ready for bed well. Here's part of the problem, my kids behave way better if they think I'm angry at them. I can ask them nicely to do something all day long... They can even start a conversations with each other while I'm still in the middle of asking them to do something... But when I raise my voice or start acting angry, they take me seriously. How do I get them to take me seriously when I'm being nice? I don't want to be a mean drill sergeant, but if I make a normal "would you please clean up your books now?" or "I need you to get dressed now" request, it 90% of the time won't get done. In the meantime, I'm grateful at least that I have a way I can for sure get them to listen and obey. Even if it does involve some role playing with me in the part of Hitler. 

Every night, I look at Abigail sleeping and I hate myself for being so hard on her. For not gushing over her more when she's awake. For being annoyed that she's breathing her sick kid germy breath on Elizabeth and me. I'm so grateful for her forgiving nature. For all the hugs and kisses she gave me today and for the random things she did for me just because she wanted to make me happy. 

I'm grateful for Brady because he is adorable and funny. He makes me laugh with all of his crazy antics and when he repeatedly asks me "mom? Am I big?" during the day. He and Abigail got upset at each other today and were mean. He was so quick to forgive her and apologize and give her a hug and a kiss. And later, when she was apologizing to him, he was so excited about it. "Okay, now give me a hug and a kiss!"  Apologizing works so well for them because they almost always fall over laughing when they do the hug and kiss part. I know this won't be the case in ten years, but I love it right now. Also, Brady is totally rocking the whole self potty training thing. He wears underwear at home (because it's easier for him to put back on... Instead of a diaper that requires me to help him) and words can't express how much I love hearing the toilet flush throughout the day. The only way I know he's gone potty is by hearing the toilet flush. He stops what he's doing, goes potty, flushes, puts his undies and shorts back on, and then washes his hands. If I'm nearby, he'll sometimes ask me for a mellow creme pumpkin. He's 100% self sufficient. He just needs more practice pooping on the potty... But with time, I know he'll master that as well. I'm thankful for his enthusiasm. It's actually helping Abigail a not too I think. 

And Elizabeth. That girl is perfection. She has a smile that almost blows the roof off our house. Never did I know that a kid could smile so much or so easily. Just making eye contact or hearing the sound of my voice sends her into a kicking smiling frenzied ball of happiness. She's a great eater and a great sleeper and a chill and happy kid. She typically takes two long naps during the day... 4 hours, give or take. She's always happy for an hour and a half after she wakes up... After that, she may want you to smile at her on occasion. She drools like a waterfall and I change her onesie probably five times a day. And she blows out of her diapers a lot still too. She reminds me so much of baby Abigail. Except the smiles. The smiles are uniquely hers. Because honestly, I swear no baby has ever smiled as much as Elizabeth. Her legs and cheeks and chin are adorable beyond words and I love her so much I can't even believe it. 

Also, my honey. I rarely write about him because he's a private person and I want to be respectful of that, but goodness knows I love him so much. He is so patient with me and such a good dad to our kids. I love that he's always so excited to do fun stuff with our kids like take them to the pumpkin patch and to the circus. He's the fun parent that I don't have the energy to be right now. And he so willingly makes sacrifices for our family without complaint. He's got a meeting in Wyoming later this week and I have a baby shower to go to the night before. So instead of driving to Wyoming and staying at a hotel that night so he'll be close by for his morning meeting, he's going to stay home with the kids that night while I go to a baby shower, and then he'll wake up at 2:45am to drive to Wyoming for a day of meetings and drive back that night so he can be home again to be with our family and play and be present for bedtime. I'm sure he's not looking forward to waking up before 3am, but he hasn't given me a moment of grief about it. 

If anyone has ever wondered why I take the time to blog... This is it. It's because I can have a crappy complaining day and somehow, when I blog about it, I have the opportunity to reflect and record the many ways in which I am so, so blessed. 

My [previously unhappy] heart is so full. 

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