Wednesday, October 5, 2011

a short video documentary

this video is from last week and it makes me think of the age old question... "you're a stay at home mom?  what do you do all day?!?!"  well, see what you can learn from this video.

if you're not really an active learner (i never was) then i'll help you out a bit.  here are a few takeaway points you should have taken away.  because i'm nice, i'm giving them away.

1. i've been teaching my baby how to kick a ball soccer style.
2. i am attempting to vacuum more often... ever since i went so long without vacuuming that my unfazed-by-the-vacuum baby turned into completely-terrified-by-the-vacuum baby.
2.5. colorado is extremely sunny.
3. i try to craft.  that wreath sitting on top of the chair?  i started it and got frustrated and left it there until kirstyn could come over and fix it for me.  but i'm not letting that stop me from saying "i made it all by myself, mom!"
4. the fireplace is a good place to hang out.  it doubles as a step and a chair.  what more could you want.
5. my baby whispers when she's playing happily.
6. things are pretty low key with only one babe.

so anyways, sorry for not posting.  i've been attempting an internet cleanse.  sadly, tonight didn't go so well... so to make it slightly worthwhile, i posted this video for you.  i'm going to try really hard to only get online when i need to and not stay online longer than i need to.  so lately i've been trying to stay off altogether because i'm seriously addicted and it's a real problem and i'm going to try to still post daily (or almost daily) without wasting hours online in the process.  any of that make sense?  for some reason i'm struggling tonight to string together cohesive sentences.  maybe tomorrow.


wish. me. luck.


Cherie (and sometimes Senor) said...

2 things.
1. My kid watched this video clip about 100 times this morning and loved every second of it. "Baby Abbi" was a huge viral hit here this morning. Thanks for sharing.
2. How did I miss PB has a kids play kitchen?! And for a mere $300-700 smacks?! Phfft, I ordered 3 of them! No, seriously. I missed this...not that it would change one thing for me but they are cute.
3. Ditto to brown. Not black. Fall not Halloween. Love the idea of harvesting hard work. Love the idea of giving thanks. Love good food, bon fires, hot cider and snuggling up to someone you love. Great reasons to love this time of year...not creepy scary.

Cherie (and sometimes Senor) said...

So I lied. 3 things. ha, see pregnancy has rendered me unable to count.