Monday, October 17, 2011

little tidbits

to procrastinate going to bed, here is a post about nothing in particular.

honey is out of town til tomorrow night.  hence the procrastination.  he's so cute.  i can't wait til he gets home. i don't like being alone and i think my happiness is directly tied to being surrounded by people.  that i love.  and lots of them.  i need to have a million kids.  just kidding.  i probably only need five or six.

see those little teeth coming in on either side?  they are baby's fifth and sixth teeth to come in in the last few weeks.  her bottom molars came and her top molars have been taking their sweet time coming in (although they poked through forever ago) and now these little guys.  poor baby.  i've been a terrible mother and giving her a pacifier for naps and bedtime.  every nap and bedtime.  i know.  feel free to judge me.  
and this is totally unrelated (and luckily does not have an accompanying picture!) but that seems to be the name of the game tonight so we'll just go with it.  for the past month or so i've been nursing baby really infrequently... maybe even as little as once a week.  i'm not really sure.  anyways, a few days ago i tried to nurse her and she freaked out.  started to latch on but then just cried instead.  i thought it was a fluke so i tried it two days later.  nope.  same thing.  i guess our nursing days are over.  i am overwhelmed with sadness.  like seriously trying not to cry about it.  ......   okay.  changing subjects.  moving on.

how cute is it that they have the same expression in this picture?  my honey may have been talking.  baby?  well, that's just how she looks.  she sure loves her daddy.  she also loves to say "daddy."  not to be confused with "doggy."  because tonight while we were at our neighbor's house for dinner, she said "dog."  and "doggy."  she LOVED their dog.

this picture is just because i'm obsessed with my baby and i love pictures of the two of us.  it's a pretty terrible picture of me, but since i'm holding my baby and she's got a huge smile on her face, i am able to momentarily put my vanity aside and love this picture anyways.  oh my goodness i am so obsessed with my baby.

okay, that's a wrap.

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