Thursday, January 22, 2015

brady's haircut

from november 17th...

my thoughtful mother in law was so kind as to watch my kids for me while i went to my 12 week appointment.  when i came back, she fed us all lunch and gave brady a much needed hair cut.  the boy is adorable.  i can't get over his face.

after brady's haircut, i got to snuggle my precious little niece.  it's not often that i get to snuggle a baby (what's with babies being so squirmy?!), but hallie had a diaper rash and was just feeling under the weather so she happily hung out in my arms for probably 45 minutes.  i loved every second of it.

and here's my favorite picture of little baby hillier.

it was a good day.

1 comment:

Lyndel said...

love the picture of your new little munchkin!