Friday, January 23, 2015

More production

Y'all, I'm so excited... I had another productive day today. I'm getting a grip on my life. Interacting with my kids, having more patience, organizing and cleaning, play dates for Abigail, making a hot dinner (who cares if it was frozen enchiladas that I'd made forever ago, I actually remembered to thaw and bake it in time for dinner!) and staying on top of laundry and dishes. I'm feeling so accomplished right now! 

First things first, last night I sent honey to Walmart to replace my car battery. He jumped my car (Sarah had warned me that her car battery was low and might not be enough to charge mine which ended up being the case) and then took it to Walmart, along with a random car battery our neighbor gave us when he moved (we really are magnets for free stuff, they gave us a brand new pack n play, camp chairs, a shop vac, and a ton of other stuff). So even though it wasn't the right battery for my car, the Walmart guarantee sticker on it let us exchange it for the right battery and we only had to pay $20 out of pocket. Also, Walmart has free battery installation and recycling. Woohoo! 

I also had honey pick up a car charger instant jump pack thing. I didn't even know those things existed until john got one in November or December and I knew I wanted one. But I never got around to buying one and we could have used it twice this month alone! It requires that you charge it once a month, but I think that's totally worth it to know that if my car battery dies then I won't be stranded or in a bad situation if it is night time or I'm alone with my kids or whatever and I need to flag down a sketchy man to help me. Christmas money is great because sometimes I don't know what I want at the time and then I remember something like this. So merry Christmas to me! I am soooo excited about this. 

Elle came over for a bit this morning and then Lucy came over to play from 2-4 which was great because Brady was napping and I could just work on stuff around the house and Abigail was totally happy and occupied (she was thrilled to get out of quiet time today and I was glad to give her a break from it). Elle is into more boyish stuff so when she's over, she and Brady and Abigail play cars and trains (and his time a lot of kitchen), and when Lucy comes over, it's all dressing up and doing hair styles and playing dolls and pretending about princesses. 

I won't lie, I was so impressed with how well Lucy did Abigail's hair. They were adorable together. 

Meanwhile, I cleaned our bedroom and worked on this huge pile of junk ice been collecting in this spot of my bedroom (it's not gone but it's currently significantly better than it was! 

I went around the house and replaced a few burned out light bulbs. Abigail's closet has had no light for at least a month so I was determined to replace it. Well, this light was a pain! I somehow completely dislodged it from the ceiling, and tangent Google helped me to actually get off the glass dome part (which flew to the ground so hard while I yelled "CRAP!" as loud as I could. Ugh, eventually I got it fixed. While I texted Sarah about "this is why Chris and I hire things out... We aren't handy... We can't do it) because ugh... I was so over it. 

And after Lucy went home, I found that the previously spotless playroom now looked like this. Do other people have kids clean up before they go home? I normally do, but Abigail refused this time to ask Lucy for any help so she skipped along home and then whined about having to do it all herself. Why?!

Anyways, we got it all cleaned up and my house is looking better than it has in months.

And honey got home early tonight and we had such a good night. We've got a packed day tomorrow so we're all pumped. 

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