Thursday, January 22, 2015

november pictures

from november 9th to the 25th...

pregnancy woke me up before the sunrise for quite a while.  plus side? you get to see the sunrise!

oatmeal with milk and berries... mmmm

brady's selfies at church.

coming home from church and trying to figure out how convincing i was trying to not look pregnant.

when i was 10.5 weeks pregnant.  the waist on the skirt actually worked really well as a corset for me.

it normally fits a little looser.

but the wiggle room is long gone.

while i was bedridden with morning sickness... abigail managed to find her fair share of mischief every morning after she woke up.  i'm really not sure what happened here other than a good amount of bubblegum princess toothpaste.

also, brady went through a phase of taking off his pj's.  i didn't fight it.

in november... it snowed.

honey and the kids watched some hockey.

except that brady can't be contained for long.

i still blame pregnancy, but abigail spent a lot of time doing puzzles.

and while i was at ward choir, she singlehandedly opened this brand new puzzle and did it 100% by herself.  all 50 pieces.

liza announced her pregnancy with her littlest wearing a big brothers rock t shirt.  we scribbled on a paper and texted this back.  yeay for homestar runner brady!

my friend kerra and i carpool to choir.  she made these cookies for the choir treat and i ate at least three because they were so delicious.  she texted me the recipe.  i've been thinking about them ever since but still need to actually make them!

11.17.14 at 11.5 weeks pregnant.  my belly popped at 8 weeks and i spent the next month marveling at how fast it grew!

there's little baby hillier!  due date is actually june 4th, not the second like the picture says.

morning sickness left me incapacitated and abigail and brady got to be 100% solid on getting set up at the table.  brady climbed in his chair and then held still while abigail buttoned his bib and snapped his tray and pushed his chair to the table.

then she would sit herself in her own seat so all i had to do was set some cereal on the table and crawl back in bed.  for the record, she was also really good at undoing his bib and helping him out of his chair after his food was all gone so i didn't have to get out of bed for that part.  

occasionally though i ventured out of my bed and into abigail's bed!  morning sickness is a beast.  also, kids are totally worth it.

abigail made a pilgrim hat at preschool.  she actually made several and i think i ate most of them.

in november... snow melted.

i normally like blackberries, but this pregnancy i've been liking them even more.  here are some drizzled with sweetened condensed milk.  you should try it.

on our girls night temple trip, i was loving my life because it's always wonderful.  i was still loving my life when i came home because of this.  honey cleaned the entire [filthy] kitchen and all the dirty dishes.

i shopped for clothes for liza for her christmas present.  convenient that we're the same size and the same amount pregnant (she's due just a few days after i am) so that was amazing.

so sleepy.  we went to a friend's house for dinner and at the end, abigail begged us to go home so she could go to sleep.

she passed out the second we were in the car.

i love these two.  they're a winning combo for sure.

we're like a magnet for free stuff.  my neighbor cleaned out her daughter's closet and said we should have all of these basically brand new bags.  abigail was thrilled.  ; )
so that was the odds and ends of november.

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