Friday, September 25, 2015

Brady calls the shots

I had hoped to keep Brady in a crib til he was at least three... Preferably even 3.5 if he would do that. But, that obviously didn't happen because once he started climbing out at 2.5, there was no turning back. 

I also had hoped (still kinda am but am losing hope) to keep him in diapers til at least January... After he turned three and our holiday traveling was over. I potty trained Abigail when Brady was just a few weeks old. She wasn't ready for it and I was stupid to do it. I only did it because the timing was right... It was the dead of winter and I was already home 24/7 with my colicky newborn anyway... Might as well potty train my 2.5 year old so we can enjoy our summer and already have this mastered. As I said, so stupid of me, but that's what first kids are for, right? 

Anyway, for the last two years, I've had so many power struggles with Abigail about going potty. I've never cleaned pee out of my carpets, but the potty training thing isn't appealing to me because of all the power struggles we've been through. The actually potty training was easy... It's just been everything since then. So, for the last two years, I've been changing Brady's diapers while telling him "I'm never potty training you" and "I'm going to keep you in diapers forever." Literally, that's what I would tell him while I changed his diapers. Even when he was like 12 months old. Poor guy, his sister ruined things for him. In my head I knew I was doing things differently with him. I kept telling him that he would have to potty train himself. 

And then more recently I read "it's no accident" and how it's better to wait too after your kid turns three and looked at my calendar and saw that that would work best anyway for the same reasons that that timing was so convenient for me to train Abigail. Holiday travel done and already inside for winter time. 

Well Brady started waking up dry a week or so ago. So instead of waiting for him to fill his diaper 30 minutes after he wakes up, I thought I would be so smart and have him pee on the potty so I could save that diaper. I know it's like 15 cents... but still. Also, I told myself that it would be a good habit for him to get into and that it would be good practice for him to learn how to go on the potty so once January came, it would be super quick and easy to potty train him. So that's what we've been doing this week... I just have him go on the potty after he wakes me up. All was going as planned. 

Until yesterday morning. He'd just gone potty an hour or so before and we were hanging out in my bed when he stopped mid sentence and was all "mom, I need to go potty."  And then he went. And that happened at least five more times during the day. And then he kept his diaper dry for almost 24 hours because he stayed dry all night and did the same thing again today. I only prompt him to go first thing in the morning when his diaper is totally dry. Every single other time is because he drops what he's doing and tells me that he needs to go. He loves going potty. He thinks it's so cool. He even stopped me yesterday while we were walking down the stairs and was all "mom, I love going potty! Going potty is so much fun!!!"  Ha. That's great kid. Can you share some of that enthusiasm with Abigail? She doesn't share your sentiments. 

So, now I'm torn. I don't want him to wear underwear til January but he's too busy calling the shots to ask me what I would prefer. 

Also, he totally dresses and undresses himself, he can fully do all the buckled to get snapped into his car seat and can undo the top buckles, and he can out his shoes on by himself (which, if you've ever attempted putting his shoes on, you know is a feat... Mom, can you believe it?!) and on the correct feet. And he can wash his hands by himself and eat sunflower seeds by himself. And he sleeps in a big bed (our guest bed) and doesn't take naps. 


I'm panicking hardcore at how fast he's growing up. Also, I'm getting super sad that he's not going to be two for much longer. Because goodness knows I adore two year olds... three year olds, not so much. Please don't take my two year old Brady away. He is absolute perfection right now. 

So yeah, I would like to freeze time... But I don't call the shots. 

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