Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Classic Brady and Abigail

Upon arriving to the pool, Brady says "mom, can I get a noodle?" "Sure Brady." And then off he runs to get a noodle.

I'm pretty returns, Abigail says, "Brady, will you go get me a noodle?" so I tell Abigail, you need to get your own noodle" ...which does not deter Abigail from continually asking Brady to get her a noodle.

An hour later, and Abigail is still asking Brady to get her a noodle. Then she just starts playing with Brady's noodle. So I tell her she needs to get her own noodle to play with. Then she whines and complains about "noooo we share noodles." I explained to her again that the bucket of pool noodles is only 30 feet away, and she is free to go get her own so they can both share. Abigail refuses.  Now no one is playing with Brady's pool noodle and Abigail will likely not ever get her own this visit to the pool.

Typical Brady: just getting it done.

Typical Abigail: taking two hours to do a 20 second task.

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