Sunday, September 6, 2015

Nate plays tennis

Just giving Elizabeth her everyotherday bottle. 

And Brady photography. This messy closet is going to be the death of me. 

Brady's favorite sports are baseball, golf, and hockey. But this morning was all hockey. He put on his hockey shirt and was thrilled to discover these skates. 

So then he tried his hand at hockey with skates. I laughed at him too much. He fell down almost every time we swung his stick around to hit the ball. 

I was reading a book to Abigail when Elizabeth started to cry. Brady immediately jumped down and started reading her his favorite hockey book. It didn't do much for Elizabeth's mood, but it was so precious to watch. 

Walmart has either stopped carrying the kid hangers I like it has just been out of stock for a very long time. I took the kids to target to see if they carried a similar style of kid hangers. They don't. They also didn't have anything at all that I could get myself motivated to buy, including chocolate (come on, just get me that white chocolate coconut something or other you used to have!) so I left empty handed. Well, has empty handed as you can leave with a cart full of kids. I didn't have to pay for those though. The day was annoying me to no end.

Luckily the day got better around 4 when we arrived at nate's tennis match. Abigail and Brady hung out and ate snacks (Brady mostly got trail mix, ate the m&ms, dumped the rest on the ground, and then tried to scoop it into the cup again before eating the rest), and Elizabeth and I hung out and watched the game. Klaudette was so into it (of course), while I was just trying to figure out the general rules. I need a tennis 101 course before I go back. 

Here is Elizabeth's face. 

Here is was you typically can see of Elizabeth's face. She is seriously just Abigail version 2.0 with just about everything, but especially the constant drooling and chomping on her fingers and fists. Her clothes are always soaked. 

We went to the fundraiser night at panda afterward. Seriously thank goodness for tennis and panda because I was about to lose my mind earlier in the day. Which was especially not great with honey being in California and not getting home til later. 

Bird flu still affecting everything. 

Both kids ate great. We got the grilled teriyaki chicken, orange chicken, and walnut shrimp... With noodles and fried rice. We ate it all except for some orange chicken and sides that we took home so honey would have some quick food to eat when he got home. It was delish. 

Brady almost always sleeps on his back and looks as awkward as can be. I love it. 

So happy the second half of my day was so much better than the first (which sucked because of a dead spider and grasshopper in my garage, my slow computer, crappy internet, taking two hours just to transfer and backup pictures, coordinating travel for thanksgiving and Christmas, and not finding hangers at target) and that I lived to blog about it. 

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