Sunday, September 18, 2011

i'm spending too much time on pinterest

k.  the followup to the story is that around 11:30 or so (who knows?!?  not me!) baby girl semi woke up and realized she wasn't in her own bed.  then she woke up for real and wouldn't lay back down.  i took her up to her bed (our bedroom is on the first floor, in case you didn't know.  also, our mailbox is three houses down in the cul de sac at the end of our street), gave her a pacifier, and put her in bed.  i honestly couldn't believe it worked so easily.  thank goodness for that!

anyways, we had a great weekend and stake conference was fantastic.  so was the weather and going to the in laws for dinner this evening.

how was your weekend?  what was the best part?

or the most awkward.  that sounds more fun.


EmmyLou said...

too many good parts. the current best part is all the rolls I just made and the yummy cinnamon rolls that are in the oven.

For the Love of French said...

Awkward but not really, Mams Bear decided to spit up on everyone that held her at church on Sunday.