Monday, September 12, 2011

some writing

i don't do a whole lot of writing these days.  i'm going to try to be better about that.   so here are some thoughts.

baby got a molar last week!  it's on the bottom left and when i first found it, the surrounding gums were bloody.  i'm guessing that explains some fussiness that's been going on.

i have sooooo many pictures from the past two months that i need to get facebooked and blogged.  i was planning on doing some of that during nap time today but i seemed to have spent my time picking hymns for upcoming sundays and uhhh, i'm really not sure what else i was doing during nap time.  i hate when that happens.

speaking of naps, baby's naps are anywhere between 2 hours and 3.5 hours.  it's wonderful.  we get the whole morning to play, lunch at noon, nap from 1-4, and then take a walk or play until dinnertime.  this is the life.

since the pool closed last monday, we've been hitting up story time at the library a lot more often.  we go for story time but then we just hang out.  baby explores and tries to make new friends while i look at the pictures in kids books.  i can not wait until she's old enough to love kids books.  can. not.  i secretly have a goal to read every book in the kid's section of the parker library.  my kid better love reading.

the weather here is sooo nice.  some days feel like fall, some still feel like summer.  temps hovered around 70 today and it was glorious.

i love parker.  i love colorado.  i love absolutely everything about living here.  it is amazing.

my christopher and i really love weeding.  frequently we'll go on a walk around the neighborhood or just to the mailbox and when we reach our driveway again, we'll just sit ourselves down and pick weeds.  baby likes it too.  she just hangs out in her stroller and watches.  my honey likes picking weeds out of the grass.  i like pulling them up from cracks in the driveway or sidewalk, or in between rocks.  since i've already pulled up all the weeds in our driveway, sidewalk, and rocks, i sat myself on our neighbors driveway and started pulling their weeds.  baby hung out in the stroller and i picked weeds.  it was perfect.  until their 21 year old daughter came home.  that was embarrassing trying to explain why i was weeding her driveway.  i told her not to tell chris.  of course.  ; )

dvr helps me to be a better wife.  football is sooo much more bearable when you can fastforward through everything that isn't an actual play.  i enjoy football, but really, there is a lot of fluff to tolerate between plays.  right now we're watching the broncos lose.  they better turn things around or i will have a sad husband.  and so will my wonderful friend lydia.  and our husbands do not deserve to be sad.  not over football.

it is a bittersweet thing for sure, but my baby is definitely not a baby anymore.  i will have you know though that my child will continue to be my baby until i have a new baby.  i realize this could be a while (for those of you who asked, no, there is nothing to announce...i will for sure keep you posted on that should something come up) but i don't care.  i will always have a baby.  it's just a matter of which child will fill that role.  and right now, that responsibility is with my first born.

my baby can run.  and climb.

tonight i spent time trying to decide what shows i want to get into this season.  i've never had to do that before because this is the first time i've ever had a tv/channels in my adult life.  i'm a grown up now and apparently grown ups are excited about their favorite shows starting up again.  i'm just trying to get with the program.  suggestions are welcome.  feel free to email them to me if you're too ashamed to admit your laundry list in the comments section.

okay, i've been informed that's it's bedtime.



EmmyLou said...

thank you for admitting she's not a baby anymore. And you should DVR the office. and all the other shows are new, so I can't recommend any. Welcome to adult life though. I'm excited for you!

Oh - also, you better clarify that your mailbox is not at the end of your driveway. When you say you walk to the mailbox and then weed, it doesn't seem like you have gone very far!

Unknown said...

i love it when you ramble about your life in posts.
(clarification about mailbox above very helpful...was imagining you going out, touching the mailbox at the end of the driveway and plopping down to weed)
i was seriously considering asking Dave today if i could come visit you for my birthday present. wouldn't that be awesome!? but i know for a fact he's already gotten me something and i know for another fact we can't afford a trip to colorado right now. big bummer.
i'm determined to come visit you at some point though, so you better be prepared to have a blast, kay?
one of the events while i visit has to be the natural history museum in denver so we (ahem, i mean our children) can play in the fountain behind it for hours. :)

Lydia said...

I replied to this but it didn't post LoL. Brett was way sad about the game....when chris sent him a text we were actually watching it on dvr (absolutely in love with dvr and you're right it makes football a million times better) he didn't read it until after the game because he just new it was bad news from chris and he forced himself to watch it until the very sad end.

Shows we are addicted to: Big Bang Theory, The Office, Bones, and Psych...hilarious show