Friday, September 30, 2011

peekaboo and byu

i can not get enough of this kid. the other day she found my mixing bowls (she normally only goes for certain cabinets and this is not one of them) and kept putting this blue bowl over her head. and taking it off. and putting it on her head again. over and over and over. while walking around and around and around the kitchen.

tonight i was domestic and i did not take a single picture so you'll just have to take my word for it. we had people (kirstyn and jake, chelsey and casey, kelly and mike, bonnie and geoff, kelsey and danny) from our ward and all their kids (we had 7 kids total) and my brother in law brian (since his wife, kelsey, was working) over to watch the byu game which was strangely exciting and ended with a win! all very unusual, but much appreciated. i was able to clean (well, i vacuumed) and make food. we had chips, doritos, an assortment of chocolate candy minis, 7 layer bean dip, bruschetta, rice krispie treat ice cream bars, redvines, chocolate licorice, hot wings and drinks. my dear christopher kept thinking i was inviting too many people, but little did he know that kirstyn and i got a bit carried away at walmart last night (it was 11 o'clock for goodness sake!) and i bought enough food for all of our friends, plus the entire byu team, should they plan on a post game celebration with us here in parker.

anyways, i was domestic. i'm getting much better at being domestic. not that my performance is improving, but my anxiety is significantly decreasing.  and i consider that a success.

which, speaking of anxiety... last night, as i was making my grocery list, just minutes before i was to leave to pick up kirstyn for our walmart trip, my honey and i were watching big bang theory and WE SAW A MOUSE! in our house! a mouse in our house! i jumped up to higher elevation under the pretext of having a better lookout point, and honey waged the battle up close and personal. after 30 minutes of way too much laughter and ridiculousness, the mouse disappeared and i left. luckily, i got a text later from my honey exclaiming, "i swept him out the door!" (i had told him to chase it with a broom because that's what they did in the old black and white movies) and it was a highlight of my night. it was a fun, bonding experience really. i'm just glad it wasn't a spider. i mean, that would have been no laughing matter. by the way, you better believe i picked up a few mouse traps last night to strategically place around our house. this could have been disasterous if my honey wasn't home with me.

oh my goodness is it really 12:30?!?! yikes. time for bed. i am SOOOOO excited for conference tomorrow!

and ps- not that you care, but i even had a homemade fall wreath and a pumpkin to festivize our front door. i should get bonus points for that.


Sara said...

Your child is always so well dressed. I mean, she dresses better than I do. She's Suri Cruise but cuter and without the creepy parents.

Also, I know you were concerned for my ability to recognize dates and times but fear not! I posted that at like 11:55pm on the east coast thinking, "Eh, close enough" so in my brain it was technically the 30th.

I do have a cold, though, so it's possible there's an angry unicorn in my hippocampus, wreaking havoc.

Sandra said...

She's seriously cute! She looks like Cindy Lou Who from the Grinch Who Stole Christmas. As for the bowl, don't you love it when they find entertainment with Tupperware! For Christmas get her some lids! :)

Unknown said...

Sounds like fun! I missed the game because I was getting ready for a garage sale and babysitting one of Joshua's friends who had just gotten his 1 year shots and wanted to be held the whole time. So glad we won though!
Hilarious mouse story! It's probably because you live in the prairie/wilderness.
I want to see a picture of said wreath...