Wednesday, September 21, 2011

it was a nice day

this morning kirstyn's little girl came over to play with us for a few hours and it was GLORIOUS.  it put baby in such an amazing mood all morning.  none of that sensitive groggy stuff for the whole first hour.

we went to walmart.  it was successful.

nap was also a success.

i made an even unhealthier version of this meatloaf recipe.  it was heavenly.

it's cold and it feels like fall.

today i did not pinterest at all.  good for me!

1 comment:

Marianne said...

Carrie, you are in trouble. so I'd never heard of pinterest (am I totally in the dark?) anyway, now you have my hooked and I was supposed to take a shower an hour ago before Lucy woke up and I got sucked into the website. so thanks a lot. (it is so amazing though!)