Thursday, September 22, 2011

our other home at home

we spend a lot of time in this ball pit. A WHOLE LOT. it would be our home away from home except it's here at home. so it's just a more concentrated home at home.

this morning baby enjoyed a nice playdate while i went to a book of mormon class at church. and we went to the park with kirstyn and michaela and the weather was gorgeous. baby loves slides these days. she's loving everything more these days... well, the last two days. i guess her new molar isn't hurting so much anymore because she's gotten her appetite back, she's sleeping through the night again, and she's not so fussy anymore. she's just happier. and cuter for that matter.

and in case you were wondering, we had taco soup, corn bread, and a spinach salad with mandarin oranges, craisins, and pecans tonight for dinner. ordinarily it would have just been taco soup, but my christopher's grandparents are in town visiting and we had them over for dinner. hence the cornbread and salad. you know how it is... gotta go all out for the grandparents in law.

has anyone ever read saving ceecee honeycutt? i'm picking it up from the library tomorrow.
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