Monday, December 19, 2011

random fact of the day

notice that extra room?
my right foot is a half size smaller than my left. so my right shoe is always too big on my foot and comes off when i try to walk fast or run anywhere... which does not help when i am late for something.

know of anywhere that will let you buy two different sizes of shoes? because that could possibly help me not hate shoes and shoe shopping so much.

can you tell i have nothing to write about and i'm too lazy to edit any pictures?  we had a fun day today running errands with mom, playing with my non blogging sister liza and her two kids, and hanging out at home.  and then i went on a girl date and didn't get home til 2 am.  probably wasn't the wisest move ever but it was insanely fun.  i wish i could import friends to colorado.


Unknown said...

my feet are the same, only my left foot is smaller. booo...i still love shoes though :)

Cherie (and sometimes Senor) said...

Maybe a cobbler could help? I've become obsessed with taking our shoes to the cobbler for a variety of things. I'm pretty sure they'd have a solution for this sort of thing. And by the way...where are your black heels from? They are cute! I am in desperate need of some black pumps but have resisted shopping for them b/c I lack the time or patience. Hope you have a lovely visit to ATL!!!