Sunday, December 11, 2011

some more randoms

and here's how these pictures fit in.

honey taught baby girl how to knock and it has really taken off.  she wanted to open a new toy tonight so she started knocking on it.  then honey got some scissors to cut the plastic off.  what a good dad.

all day i try to get her to drink milk and it's never more than a few sips at a time.  but for some reason at night it really picks up.  i can't even remember the last morning she woke up without having leaked out of her diaper.  ugh.

this is my honey.  he's real nice.  and this is my typical view of him.  reclined on the sofa, still in his white shirt from work/church, exhausted... but mostly still willing to smile on command.  ;-)

whenever baby hears the garage, she runs to the door and then this happens.  it's precious.  this picture is from a sunday morning when honey got home from his church meetings.

a very familiar view.  my relief society president called me the other day to talk to me about some stuff relating to my compassionate service calling.  she made some joke about "what?!?! you're not sitting back with your feet up?!?!"  i took it seriously and answered, "no, not right now... abigail just woke up."  she had to tell me she was making a joke because toddlers always keep you on your feet.  but little does she know how i serious i am about making nap time my me time.
ps- i FINALLY gave my talk in sacrament meeting today!  it went well and i am soooo happy it isn't hanging over my head anymore!

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