Tuesday, December 27, 2011

dinner and games

putting that hat on the caroler.  again.  while wearing cousin will's shoes. again.

just one method for getting your shoes on

the more successful method

sister emmy

sister liza

homemade egg nog ice cream

other dessert options: frosted christmas sugar cookies (we're pretending that ghost is really an angel), ferrero rochers, and peppermint bark.  not pictured: root beer floats, and later, freshly made homemade milky way ice cream 

we love each other.  to prove it, i sat in his lap and we showed our affection at the dinner table.

successfully wearing cousin skye's shoes

walter is not smelling my baby.  although that's what it sure looks like.

this is how we make milkyway ice cream.  we melt a bunch of milkyways.

and then hang out and play games while our amazing parents do the hard part.

dad is churning the ice cream in the den again.

ticket to ride (europe)!

i told you the rest of us were quirky and it's true.  liza and jeff had to stand up every round to strategize.

and we laughed at them every time too.

my parents are adorable.
look at them dishing up ice cream for us while we're super absorbed in our game.  they're so selfless.  and that ice cream is so amazing.  i had three bowls and would have had a fourth if i wasn't feeling so sick from all the sugar and cream in it.

tonight was so much fun.

and we don't often get the chance to laugh at emmy, but tonigh, through no fault of her own, she got a bowl full of ice cream on her bum.  and it was hilarious.

strategizing again.  standing up of course.

emmy and me

watching 3d.  everything is more fun with colorful plastic glasses!

times four
never a dull moment around here.

1 comment:

Sara said...

Ohmygoodness! WHO WHO WHO is Darren?!?