Monday, December 12, 2011

today. was. rough.

i think baby girl is teething.  she has twelve teeth right now.  four front and center.  four bottom center.  and four molars.  but there's a little guy on the bottom side that seems to be pushing through so i'm blaming him.  because baby girl spent the majority of the morning crying.  and then we went to the library for story time and she was fine.  and then we came home and she cried more.  nap time was normal.  the evening was not.  it was spent in survival mode.  and the house was already messy from the weekend, so add a days worth of dishes to the mix and it was a pure disaster area.  i'd already texted honey about how badly the day was going so he came home prepared to comfort, and not expecting dinner.  thank you honey!

but as is the case most every night, once baby girl saw her daddy she turned back into a wonderful angel.  she is absolutely happy and precious in every location and situation except for the following:  if baby girl and i are AT HOME and alone as JUST THE TWO OF US, i can expect her to cry the much of the time unless she is being held and is able to see and help me with everything i am doing.  i love that she's my mini me but it has gotten a bit extreme.  don't you think?

anyways, tonight honey got her to eat, which i hadn't had luck with all day, so that was wonderful.  and then they played cars and danced.  seriously, she's so happy when he's home... and it's not just because he plays with her.  as long as he's home, baby doesn't care if honey and i completely ignore her to watch tv or play on the internet.  if someone else is home with us.... happy baby.

anyways, here are a few videos i took.  so tomorrow when she's driving me nuts, we can watch these videos together and i can see how cute she is and she can get a refresher course in how to be a proper lady baby.

ps- the first video is super quiet because i was standing far away and zooming in.  i have to be ultra stealth sometimes when it comes to videoing my baby.  anyways, you can just turn up the volume for that first one.

pps- how cute are those car noises she makes?

ppps- my christopher doesn't really dance like that.  he just does it because baby loves it and it makes her do the same thing.  he actually didn't know he was getting videoed too.  but he's nice so he let me post it anyways.

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