Sunday, January 15, 2012

18 months = nursery

i know i should do an official post, but tonight it's just not gonna happen.

today baby is 18 months.

honey dropped her off in nursery and she didn't even look back.  i wanted to go in and hang out with her but knew it would be for me and not for her.  and i didn't want to do that and then have it screw her up or make her cry or clingy or something.  so i didn't even go in.  and when relief society ended, there was my honey and my baby waiting at the door.  apparently she had a blast.  the nursery leader said so.  she said she looked at the door briefly a few times but then would just go back to playing.  maybe i'll let myself go in next week... i missed her so much today even if it was nice to actually listen and learn something from the sunday school and relief society lessons.  i hope it's not a first week fluke... i hope baby girl continues to love it.  i think she will but that could just be history talking.  i have a tendency to assume that since she's been easy going so far, she'll continue to be nice and easy going.

anyways, this kid is the most hilarious thing ever these days.  and she's been so much more fun and easy and well behaved since we got back from our trip.  because ever since we moved to colorado, baby has decided that when she's at home with me, she needs to be held.  well, there was so much to do at my parents house that she never wanted or needed to be held.  and now that we're back it's the same.  not to mention that either my arm got weak or my kid gained fifty pounds.  because if i hold her for more than two minutes my arm gets tired.  i used to be able to hold her for an hour straight and never even notice it.

sooo that's how our day at church went.

other things that happened today:  baby and i woke up in time to see a gorgeous sunrise (pictures will be added later) since we're both a little jet lagged and off schedule.  we have 9am church now so we got to wake up, eat breakfast, get ready, go to church, come home, eat lunch, take a nap, snack, play, eat dinner, and go to sleep for the night.  what a wooooonderful sunday.  infinitely better than having church during the 1-4 nap time and then trying to figure out what to do with a kid that's falling asleep in the car and napping from 4 30 to 6 and never getting a decent lunch or dinner.

and finally some sunrise pictures... just a few days late.

scrunched up laughing face

seriously, when you look out your window and see this, how can you not love colorado?  i now attest that a gorgeous sunrise is the next best thing to popcorn popping on the apricot tree.


Jeff said...

I took her to nursery too for the entire time, by herself. She was just fine. I guess she officially went in a week early. DO NOT let me hear that you go in to nursery with her when she's doing fine! COUNT YOUR BLESSINGS!

Paige Taylor Evans said...

I am so looking forward to nursery! I say as soon as they can walk they should be able to go. I hope it wasn't a fluke and she loves it forever!

EmmyLou said...

Actually mom and I took her the first week you were gone and she was great. She was even among strangers and she colored and played with the other kids. Actually I'll tell you what was funny. Mom took her during part of RS, then they came back. She got fussy and I took her outside, we walked around in the hallway and passed the nursery and she walked up to the door and was trying to open it because she heard the kids playing, so we went in! And then they started singing 'head shoulders knees and toes' and she immediately put her hands on her head. I told mom that was her goal - to teach the kid her shoulders, knees and toes so she could fit in with the other kids.

Marianne said...

gorgeous! not so much I want to live out there, but it is gorgeous! although sleeping in is gorgeous too. :)