Thursday, January 26, 2012

some thoughts about food

this morning for visiting teaching we went out to gotcha yogurt.  one of those self serve yogurt places.  i love that kind so i can get exactly what and how much i want.  what a genius idea.  my base was girl scout samoa ice cream.  delish.

i am rocking out to blasting josh groban - you raise me up - on pandora.  baby is even singing and dancing.  she loves it too.

that time in the evening when i'm supposed to prepare dinner?  my least favorite time of day.  that's right now by the way.  i just texted chris and asked him if he wanted to eat leftovers.  "sure."  i love that guy.

a girl scout just came by my door selling girl scout cookies.  i'm so glad they still go door to door.  i've been holding out for the door to door girls... which is why i haven't bought any from my friends (aka as friends' daughters).  what can i say?  i'm traditional.

i'm also "that neighbor" because i answered the door barefoot in my pink fluffy bathrobe at 5:30 in the evening to do this.  and then had to wait out there like that while the girl ran home to get some change.  she brought back 12 quarters.  ;-)

honey just got home.  his first words?  "honey's wearing her bath robe?"  ha.  second words?  "man, honey's really rocking out in here!"  that time it was a piano pachelbel variation thing.  loved it.

yesterday at walmart i bought 11 bananas thinking that would last us a few days.  we already had our two for yesterday and two for today.  so now we have about three more days of bananas left.

today was such gorgeous weather.  we went to the playground and did slides, swings, and seesaws oh my.  it was wonderful.

i didn't make dinner last night either.  whoops.  i'll do tomorrow for sure.  hold me to it.


Sara said...

Ummm . . . What is this about Samoa ice cream??? What brand is it, and where can I find it???

Sara said...

Also, I love how half of your "thoughts about food" weren't about food at all. :)

Lyndel said...

i loathe preparing dinner just as much as you. and I rarely ever try new recipes. the running joke is that Mike is still "single" skinny and not the "married" weight, because I don't cook for him.
let me know when you find simple recipes that don't take long. if it takes more than 15 minutes i'm over it.