Tuesday, January 31, 2012

the nap that never happened

that whole "so now i'm going to nap" thing ended so very sadly for me.  i took out my contacts, had my bed warming up with my worth it's weight in gold electric blanket and was literally about to climb in bed when i heard my child start to cry.  well, she was so congested she couldn't breathe so she would start coughing which also meant she couldn't breathe because she was just choking on phlegm (disgusting word, i know) sooo my 3 hour nap of a baby today was more like a 25 minute nap of a baby.  the important things like nap and shower were tossed aside for really awesome things like wiping snot, wiping snot, and wiping some more snot.  i lead a really glamorous life.

instead, we took kelsey to pick up her car from the shop which was a blessing because it was an hour and a half in the car and baby was very happy and content.  what is it about cars that does that to kids?  makes them sleepy or just content enough to sit in a five point harness forever when at home they couldn't sit still to save their life?!  anyways, that was great and we got home a little after five so i just pretended that my baby got a normal nap and just woke up.  i wasn't very convincing to myself but what can i say, we can't all win every time.

tonight was mutual and i had so much fun with the young women.  they are a really awesome group of girls.  my mother in law is super awesome too though because she came over to watch baby girl for me while i was at church tonight.  that is a very fabulous thing not to have to drag your sick baby with you.

i didn't get her to bed tonight until 9:45 again.  whoops.  especially since she didn't get a real nap.  i can't remember the last time i've seen her so tired.  i put her in her crib without a binky, which hasn't happened since she started getting sick last week) and she was too tired to even get adamant about asking me for it.  she asked for it and i ignored her and told her goodnight and left and then i heard her just roll over and cuddle up.  ha.  EXHAUSTED.

and so am i.

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