Monday, January 30, 2012

glamour shots

today after church we explored our backyard and took a few pictures.  like 75 or something.  sadly, i got no decent shots... except of the neighbor's dog.  turns out, discovering nature is way more interesting than "look at the camera!"

how did my baby get so big?!?!

baby girl loves new experiences

i swear this patch of frazzled hair that hangs between her eyes is going to be the death of me.

this is duke.  his full name is the grand duke of ure (pronounced  like"yore" and "your").  it's so cute and clever because that's their family's name.  as a side note, it was president ure (who saved my life that one time).  baby girl loves duke, and i love the ures.  so really, our house could not be more perfectly situated.

see what i mean about the hair?  it kills me.

it's 1am.  can you guess why i'm blogging at 1am?  yes you can.  it's because my honey is gone again.  he left after church today and won't get back til wednesday night.  normally he's just gone two days and one night.  this time it's three nights.  three!  so today i took advantage of his absence by spending hours skyping with my family, organizing and cleaning random neglected parts of our house, and keeping my baby up way past her bedtime.  i don't know why i do this.  the logical solution to being lonely is to put your baby to bed at her normal bedtime and then put yourself to bed right after.  i did not do this.  i kept my baby up until almost 10pm and then found random crap for myself to work on until the wee hours.  not smart.

but i won't do that tomorrow because my sister in law kelsey is coming over for a slumber party!  in case you didn't know, honey works with his dad and his brother.  they're all in new york this week so since my christopher is gone at the same time as his brother, then it's the perfect excuse for the sisters in law to have a sleepover!  and baby girl doesn't know about it yet but you better believe she's gonna love it.  probably mostly because she'll get to go to sleep at a decent hour.  she loves sleeping.

i swear i'm a really good mom.

1 comment:

EmmyLou said...

I can attest to her loving sleep. On Skype last night when I said - is it time to go to bed? She looked at you and nodded her head like that was what she wanted more than anything in the whole world and why haven't you given it to her before sad eyes. You just laugh (cause it's the cutest thing ever) and keep on keeping her up.