Thursday, January 19, 2012

colorado weather

today it felt like atlanta weather.  it was soooo nice and pleasant outside.  baby girl and i went on a walk this morning with kirstyn and michaela and then came home and walked up and down our street exploring for a while until lunchtime.  baby girl didn't wake up from nap til after 5 but we immediately rushed outside and played on the driveway and sidewalk until after dark.

the funniest part was when i called my mom around noon and said "it's so warm here!  it feels just like atlanta!"  and then as baby girl went running down the driveway i grabbed her hand and said "careful baby girl... it's ICY.  can you say, icy?"  and then mom replied "yes, icy, juuuust like georgia.  there may be a few differences still."  HA.

my camera batteries died so i couldn't get a picture of it while it was light but with the way the sun is, half of our street looks like spring and the other half is covered in snow.  we're on the covered in snow half so the grass in our yard has at least a foot of snow still on it (most of which was already there a week ago when i got back) and our driveway still resembles a glacier.  maybe because earlier this week it was in the teens.  like on tuesday when i went to baby's doctors appointment i didn't even bother grabbing a jacket because it looked warm and sunny.  i had on a very light sweater and assumed that would be enough.  half way to the appointment we passed a bank that had a marquee (is that the correct term?) with the time and temperature on it 14ºF.  FOURTEEN?!?!  and i have no jacket?!  i guess i can call myself a coloradoan (ps- that is the correct term... and spelling) now.

i vow to be better about shoveling our driveway before driving on it and packing the snow down into the beginnings of a never melting glacier.

1 comment:

Ricci said...

I miss Atlanta weather!