Tuesday, January 17, 2012


this morning we woke up early again.  honey woke up at 5 30.  i woke up at 6.  at 6 15, we each figured out that the other was awake.  ;-)

so we hung out in bed for a long while and then we heard baby girl upstairs, so like two kids on christmas day, we raced up as fast as we could to love on our baby.  the three of us got ready together and then while i finished up, honey made eggs and fed baby girl.  it was such a wonderful husband dad sort of thing for him to do, i didn't even get upset later when i found a wrapped up poopy diaper sitting on the stair rail.  i'm not sure what the deal is, but my honey has an inability to change a diaper and actually throw it away.  i find diapers ALL OVER the house.  bathrooms, stair rails, sofa, bed, changing table, floor, closet, kitchen table, kitchen counter, you name it.  anywhere but a trash can.  it's comical really.

anyways, we were all ready and fed by 8 15 or so.  insanely early.  so we had time to kill before heading out into the real world.  

we skyped.

there were some near misses with bashing keys and tossing a sippy full of water, but seriously, most of the time was spent nicely skyping and not touching.

i. was. amazed.

and the morning was excellent.


Cherie (and sometimes Senor) said...

I am so happy to learn that this dirty diapers anywhere but the trash might be a clinical condition! My senor cannot seem to find a trash can for dirty diapers ever!!! Wow, I feel we may need to start a support group! And I LOVE days that start off so smoothly.

Marianne said...

Well, at least he doesn't play soccer with them--Andrew's fun each night comes from kicking the dirty diaper at the top of the stairs and trying to get it thru the railing on the stairs so it falls down into the kitchen! lovely!

and at least Chris is changing the diapers, right?!