Tuesday, February 26, 2013

trying to be mr. rogers

y'know how sometimes your day can be going just fine and then two hours later you want to punch something and you wonder how things got so crappy so fast?!

the morning was good.  even though baby girl woke me up at 8, i tossed her in front of the tv while i was able to get a shower before brady woke up.  everything was going pretty alright and we were only a few minutes late to story time at the library which is a pretty big feat.  instead of going to walmart after the library, we headed home because it was super windy and had started snowing.  the parking lots are bad enough after all the snow we got this weekend and we didn't need that much anyways and this was the final straw.

my mom called on the way home and we talked about this coming weekend and when i got off the phone with her i saw it was only one.  that's when things went south.  my first thought was "i have so so so much to do, i should just give baby girl her lunch right now and get her down for an early nap."  that's the thought i should have gone with.  instead i went with thought number 2: "i should try to be a good mom and a good neighboor and have abigail help me make and deliver a treat for our neighbors so we can meet them and welcome them to the neighborhood."  bad, bad, bad idea.  well... actually the idea was nice... it just didn't pan out.

so here's what happened between the hours of one and three...

i had abigail help me make rice krispie treats.  she was being cute and helpful and we made a double batch so that we could make a big plate for the neighbors (they have a lot of kids) and still have a little to keep (i promised baby girl).  well i got them all arranged on a plate and we were literally about to walk out the door when i went to grab brady's carseat (he was still napping in there from our library trip) and i realized he was awake and getting fussy.  since he was long overdue for a feeding i thought it would be best for me to just get him out and feed him real quick and then we could head over.  well half way through his feeding he got a blowout.  of course.  it's the age of blowouts... abigail was the same way.  so i took him upstairs and got him a fresh diaper and clean clothes and tried to finish feeding him but he wasn't interested anymore and it dragged out way longer than it should have.

when i came back down, abigail was eating the leftover rice krispies off the spoon and life was still good... just a few minutes delayed.  then i told her to get down from there because we were going to deliver our treats to our new friends.  that's when she informed me that "thomas got wet."  ugh, seriously?  that's a whole vent for a potty training post of its own but anyways, i had her go potty (takes foooorrreeeevvvvveeeeerrrrrr because everything is "i do it myself!") and ran upstairs to find her a new skirt that didn't require an entire outfit change and thought to myself... okay now, this is getting annoying but we can do it!  we will get out the door to deliver treats!

so as we're leaving i taste a bit of the rice krispie treats i saved for us to snack on... umm, they're rock  hard.  like bricks.  what the heck?!  if they were just a little bad, i probably would have taken them anyways and just said sorry they didn't come out right.  but they were HORRENDOUS.  like their kids would probably chip a tooth or bite their tongue off trying to eat them.  so then i thought, well we will still go over and i'll just explain that sorry i couldn't bring the treat i'd prepared.  but ummm, lame.  inviting myself over to their house empty handed just to say hi?  awkward.  so it was back to square one.  i got out a new pot and new pan (didn't have time to wash everything and too annoyed to do that anyways) and decided to just do a single batch in case the double batch last time was the reason they turned out badly.  made them and they turned out perfectly.  cut them up, arranged them on a plate, covered them with saran wrap, looked out the window and... it's freaking snowing again... and blowing snow all over the place... like crazy.  ugh.  so i put on a sweater and got a puffy coat on abigail and brady was already still bundled in his carseat just hanging out and we were out the door.

and then baby girl, since she hates the wind and i couldn't even blame her this time, wouldn't leave the garage.  probably a good thing because the wind was so strong it might have pushed her over.  so i picked her up and carried her, and brady's carseat, and a plate of rice krispies that i'm thankful didn't fall off the plate or else i might have given up on life right there in my driveway.  and my hair was whipping all over the place and snow was blowing in our faces like sand on a beach and it was awesome.  by the time we got to their door, half of my hair was stuck to the lip gloss on my mouth and i didn't have a free hand to even fix it a little.  i put brady down and knocked (because this process took two hours and now we're well into nap time and i didn't want to wake up any kids that might be asleep... that house has a loud doorbell.

and then we waited.  and waited.  and knocked.  and waited.

and then we gave up and i cursed my neighbors and my life.  not really but i kinda felt like it at this point.  sometimes things just don't pan out.

so then i didn't get abigail down for nap until 3:30 and my kitchen looks like a disaster and instead of doing the millions of things i need to do, i'm having a self therapy session typing out this story.

post edit:  now it's two hours later.  somehow right as my angry self was about to hit publish, i got a call from my dear friend sister lisa.  weed is always so inspiring to talk to.  we have the best conversations.  they are always so uplifting and today was no exception.  my favorite thing that she said was "your dirty kitchen IS a reflection of your eternal choices!  it is that you chose to be a good mother and try your hardest!"  i needed that.  what an answer to my prayer.

1 comment:

Beth said...

Holy cow, you are awesome. Do you know I have never successfully made rice krispie treats (tried to once and cried over it because it was a mess), and also that I would not even contemplate delivering anything to new neighbors if I'd just had a baby? (FYI: I define "just had a baby" as "my baby is less than 12 months old). So yes, think you are awesome. Good job being neighborly, even if it didn't work out. (It will make for a good story when you do finally meet!)

I liked running into you today at the library! (I had no idea it was snowing out when I was making smalltalk about the weather! I totally thought it was going to warm up and be sunny -- a repeat of yesterday except less snow on the roads. NOPE.)