Monday, February 18, 2013

Brady is two months old!

i know these are super crappy pictures, taken in a really dark room, on a cell phone.  but it is what it is... the second child gets gypped.

oh, and he's wearing no pants.  although maybe that part was semi on purpose because i always dressed abigail in a onesie and socks and loved it.

brady is a super sweet boy and i love him to death.  pictures don't do it justice but he is gorgeous beyond all measure.

he also sports a pretty awesome bewildered sort of look... almost constantly.  i initially had thought he had an unhappy disposition about life but it turns out that was just reflux.  as long as he does miss a dose of zantac, he is one happy kid.

he smiles like crazy whenever we made eye contact, and especially after he's done eating, it's all cooing and smiling.

brady's sleep still leaves much to be desired.  i feel bad saying that because i used to be up with him for hours at a time during the night just trying to get him to go back to sleep after a feeding... but it is still normal for him to wake up at least twice during the night.  although sometimes it's only once, sometimes it's thrice.  thrice is not my friend.  the good part is that after a quick feeding, i pop him back in his crib with a binky and he puts himself back to sleep just fine.

during the day, his happy waketime is about 55 minutes to an hour.  if he's awake longer than that, you'll know because he'll start to get fussy and his happy and content personality will turn sour.  his naps vary quite a bit although i blame myself for that for being so inconsistent.  again, the second child gets gypped.  if we're out running errands, brady will sleep for several hours sometimes or maybe just nap for the parts we're actually in the car.  at home, a nap could be 45 minutes (if he can't get himself back to sleep after that first sleep cycle) or it could be close to four hours (if i've forgotten about him or things have been super hectic that i haven't had time to wake him up for a feeding).  totally my fault and i'm sure this is much of the reason his night time sleep isn't optimal.

brady is rocking a size one diaper and 0-3 clothes.  he's noticeably filled out and is chunking up nicely. he's not a big kid by any means but he's not the scrawny little peanut that he used to be.  it makes me sad that his newborn days are already gone but excited for everything to come.

and here are brady's stats so far...
12.18.12 - birth
7 lbs 3.6 ounces
20 inches
hc 33.4 cm

12.19.12 - discharged from hospital
6 lbs 15 ounces

12.22.12 - nurse home visit
6 lbs 15 ounces

12.28.12 - 2 week well check
7 lbs 4.5 ounces  46%
20.25 inches  93%

1.15.13 - fussiness visit
8 lbs 8.5 ounces 21.55%

2.20.13 - 2 month appointment
10 lbs 14.5 ounces  15.1%
23.25 inches  57.67%
hc 38.7 cm  34.71%

my sweet brady boy keeps getting better and better.

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