Saturday, February 23, 2013

Friday and Saturday

my friday and saturday... in pictures.

baby girl has been complaining about some of her shoes being too small sooo... new boots.  perfect timing because these were on sale.

she is still as loving and nurturing as ever... always needing to be close to brady to "check on him."

this is brady's hat from germany... we call it his thug hat.  for obvious reasons.

i saw this burp cloth laying in brady's swing and picked it up to fold it and put it away.  baby girl came running over in protest.

baby girl had bucked thomas into the swing and apparently he needed that burp cloth as a blanket to keep him warm.

i love seeing how baby girl's play develops with age.  she kept moving this girl around and then telling me all about it.  i can't get enough of her narrating everything going on.

what a peaceful little bundle.

sometimes i just take pictures of my freshly filled fruit basket... because it's so beautiful it just makes me happy.

if i had a dog, i would dress her in this blue seersucker outfit.  it made me think of my friend rach... i wonder if she'll ever get a dog...

we were at pet smart.  honey dressed her and everything she was wearing was too small... even her socks.  i know i shouldn't care but it was embarrassing to be in public with my child looking like that.  especially because we'd gone out to eat at texas roadhouse right before that.  i told honey on the way home i felt like our family could have been videotaped for an obesity documentary or something and we'd be the family eating four thousand calories for lunch with the kid that looked like we couldn't afford clothes for her that actually fit.

tell me we're not the only petless family that takes their kid to pet smart just for kicks.  she loves it.

how did baby girl get so big all of the sudden?!

so affectionate.  and despite how things appear, it's actually all very gentle.

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