Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Historical evidence

I really wasn't even exaggerating.

i know i've written before about the eating habits, or lack thereof, we had previously in our marriage.  well, when i was doing some organizing yesterday, i found this receipt from 7.9.09 (so weird that this is exactly one year before my due date with abigail... my how life can change quickly!) when we were living in colorado in our tiny, frozen (the heater didn't work and it was always between 52 and 55 degrees) apartment.  it's amazing how accurate my memory is.  i've included a picture of the receipt but i'll go ahead and list what we bought as well...

FIVE boxes of cereal
frozen burritos
totino's hamburger pizza
totino's cheese pizza
1% milk
skim milk
2% milk
two cans of spaghettios
three cans of green beans
cream of mushroom soup (looks like i was making green bean casserole)
a loaf of 85 cent white bread
18 eggs
a container of microwaveable bbq shredded pork (for sandwiches)
peach yogurt
raspberry yogurt
cherries (i bet we were taking these to a picnic or something)
a peach (yeay!  something else fresh and non-processed!)
strawberry banana yogurt
strawberry yogurt
mixberry yogurt
raspberry yogurt

all for a grand total of $41.52

that was just a typical grocery trip so now you can understand i'm not kidding when i say an average day included a slice or two of bread for breakfast, a yogurt for lunch, and a bowl of cereal for dinner (or can of spaghettios if we're going to get fancy and have a hot meal).  this is the secret to staying thin and eating for less than $2 a day.  poverty is key.*  i have such fond memories of this time of our marriage... that poor and newlywed experience exceeded my expectations.

*my husband would kill me if i didn't mention that we were not actually impoverished.  we have never been wanting for money... we're just really frugal and were saving up to pay for his stanford mba.

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