Sunday, February 17, 2013

the lack of posts

last week almost did me in.  christopher was gone from early monday morning until late thursday night. and monday night i gave brady the last dose of his medicine before it ran out so tuesday, wednesday, and thursday, i was dealing with an unhappy, crying babe.  there was a lot of awesome monday through thursday but a lot of difficulties and seriously, it put me back in survival mode.  when christopher got home thursday night (which was particularly rough for brady... like he only slept less than two hours... of 8 or 9) i was so grateful he was home.  and when we finally got both kids to bed and climbed in bed ourselves, i just cried.  so so thankful to have my honey back.  and i'm sure he was equally happy to come home to this emotional nutcase.  that's what eternity is all about, huh?  anyways... there's a million things i could blog about but i've got another million things that just need to get done and it seems like there's just never enough time.  sooo, now i'm going to go to sleep and make a goal to do better this week.  mondays are so cleansing for me.  i love mondays.

1 comment:

Paige Taylor Evans said...

It's amazing how much we rely on our Chris's! Life is so much better when they're home. Chris has to go to bootcamp for 26 days in June and I'm already freaking out... Hope your Monday and rest of the week is great!