Sunday, August 31, 2014

A wonderful Sunday

Today was an excellent day. When I snoozed my alarm too many times, honey got out his phone and I woke up to some church music on pandora. I was tempted to be in a bad mood because I had a headache and was mad at myself for staying up too late on the Internet, but how can you be in a bad mood when you wake up to "come thou fount"?!  (Ps- my phone just autocorrected fount to doubt. Glad I caught that one. Anyways, it seemed like every song was my favorite and I loved it. I made breakfast (eggs... are you shocked?) and we all got ready and left by 8:35. We got to church early for a meeting with the first counselor. I got released from my calling as a welcoming committee member and was given a new calling. 

Let's back up a bit. Last Sunday, bishop told Chris he needed to meet with us but honey was out of town Wednesday so they scheduled for Sunday afternoon. So we assumed I was getting a new calling because we know Chris is currently cemented in his. Then Friday night, the first counselor told Chris he needed to meet with us, in addition to bishop meeting with us. So then I was extra worried. A calling from bishop would likely be RS. A calling from the first counselor would be something bad like gospel doctrine teacher or YW (I did love yw but I'm not ready for that again quite yet) or teaching a kid Sunday school class. So this was terrifying to me but I reminded myself that I'd survived previous terrifying callings (namely, ward chorister and yw pres) and come what may, it would be okay. 

Well, we went in and two seconds later, I was getting released (I am really sad about this because I really liked my calling) and bracing myself for something scary. Well, scary didn't come. I'm thrilled to still have a calling under the relief society. And even though it's a more high maintenance calling (let's be honest, I've enjoyed "coasting" lately), I'm super excited. Who wants to coach me on how to be the best visiting teaching coordinator ever?  Or at least on how to not suck?  I'm super excited to have a calling I can fulfill during the week so my Sundays can be spent enjoying relief society lessons (or acclimating Brady to nursery as has been the case these last two months) and hanging out with my awesome friends at church. 

So, that was super exciting and I was sustained within the hour. But it left me a little confused as to why I would also be meeting with bishop. We waited after church for an hour (honey thought this would be better than taking the kids home and packing them back in the car to return to church... I just went along with it) and I was just wondering. Then we sit down with bishop and he says something scary and ominous like "I know you don't know why you're here" or "something has come up" or "this is unexpected" or something that I was thinking something horrible happened and that our lives were over. Turns out, an opportunity came up to help fund a missionary in our ward. What a wonderful surprise!  We are both extremely grateful and excited for this opportunity. It made my great day even better. 

As a side note, Brady is so cute. I'm kind of obsessed with him lately. 

We ate Friday night's Chinese leftovers for lunch, and I napped on Brady's floor for a bit (while he fell asleep and napped) until it was time for our home teacher to come over and we had a good visit with him. Abigail was excited to tell him that she can ride a bike with no training wheels and asked if he wanted to see it. We semi blew that part off but then when he  was leaving, Abigail raced out of the garage and started riding her bike down the sidewalk to show our home teacher as he was walking to his car.  My heart melted that it was so on her mind and that she sprung into action. She is so adorably sweet and innocent right now.)

After he left, we hung out for a bit and then went on a long walk around the neighborhood and then let Abigail ride her bike around the block a few times and on the street a bit. We took the kids up for bed before 7, and even though they didn't each fall asleep until after 8, it was nice to not rush the bedtime routine and to linger a bit longer after we read books and things. 

This was Brady's third night of crying it out. I've procrastinated a long time (and it deserves a post of its own) letting Brady cry it out so he can get back to falling asleep on his own instead of needing me to hold his hand. It's one of those things where it's great and it just works until it just doesn't anymore. So after almost two months... We're attempting to break the habit. Night one, I think he cried for an hour and a half. The second night was 1h10. And tonight was about 30 minutes. Writing it out, those lengths seem super long, but, thankfully, his crying hasn't been bad. It's like a semi-cry of "daddy" over and over. Hopefully it won't take long for him to be confident again in his ability to fall asleep without my assistance. 

All in all, the day was great. I loved church and all the interactions I had with people there. I love being surrounded by so many good and friendly and happy people. There are people I know I'm good friends with but then other interactions that help build friendships that weren't there before. Today, my favorite two took place the two times I went to the bathroom. 

The first was before church when I went to finish doing my makeup and sister freund was already in there doing hers. So we hung out and happily chatted as we did out makeup side by side. We talked about missing kids when they're away and Abigail starting preschool. She said something about how Abigail was definitely a strong willed child. It was interesting for me to hear someone say that about her. 

The second was when I left sacrament to change Brady's diaper and the lady leaving behind me asked where the bathroom was. So we walked together. She's the mother in law of one of my friends and was just in town to care for the kids while my friend and her husband got away for the weekend. This lady was so insanely nice and friendly. She was changing the diaper of a little boy Brady's age (they go to nursery together) and we chatted about where she was from and where I grew up and our her two grandkids she's watching are the same age/gender as my two kids and on and on. I was about to give her my number as i told her I was happy to help her with anything she needed while she was in town since I was close by in the same neighborhood. She said that she actually leaves tomorrow but that next time she's in town then she'll call me so we can get together with our kids and that she's be happy for me to drop my kids off with her whole I ran errands for a bit. Seriously... It was probably 5-7 minutes total and we were BFF. She and her husband sat by Chris and me during our third hour combined meeting and she saved me when she gave me bunny graham crackers for Brady when he was fussy and I couldn't find the granola bar I'd brought for him. I'm sure this lady has no idea how our quick friendship has brightened my day and the week ahead of me. 

I love people and I love Sundays. Today was amazing. 

Sent from my iPhone

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