Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Kids are crazy

Brady continues his love of buckles... the chest strap in his carseat being his very favorite. If we're playing outside, he'll ask to get in the car to do buckles and stay in there for quite a while as long as I'm around to keep unbuckling the strap. 

The other day, we were outside and Christopher, for whatever reason, got something out of my car, and left the passenger door open. Two minutes later, I walked by the car and noticed Brady in his carseat doing his buckle. Apparently, he climbed in the car and over the armrest to the backseat and into his carseat. I thought it was hilarious. 

Also funny is that this guy tries to say "Abigail" when we ask him too but he knows he can't, so he basically just spouts off a different sounding bit of gibberish every time. I am thrilled though that he's at least making an effort instead of our "say Abigail!"  "SOUSIE!"  But I will say though that yesterday he was consistently saying "no" all day which is new because he normally just shakes his head with a squeal. No is definitely cuter than that mess. 

My favorite thing that Abigail has been doing lately is falling out of bed. Chris and I will be downstairs cleaning up dinner or watching tv or something when he hear a big THUMP upstairs. This happened two nights ago and I ran up to check on Abigail. She looked like she was having a slumber party on the floor. I always put her quilted pillow on the floor next to her nightstand (to keep it safe in case she throws up red candy or something again like at Easter) and her head landed on it perfectly and she sleeps with her little fleece frog blanket and it stayed on top of her while she fell. She was perfectly situated right there on the floor... Still asleep. Because when she falls out of bed, it doesn't wake her up. This girl is such a heavy sleeper during the night. I'm still so upset I didn't get a picture of it because my phone was being its usual self and telling me I had no memory when I wanted to take the picture. When I came back upstairs a few minutes later with the problem solved, Abigail had already climbed back in bed and gotten snuggled in and was still fast asleep. Yesterday I tried to ask her about it.

"Did you fall out of bed last night?"
"When I was at the cabin?" 
"No, that was a different time... I mean here at home in your white bed."
"No, I didn't. That's because I'm always so careful when I sleep so I don't fall out!"

Anyone else love that she has no recollection of this whatsoever?  I'm never putting this kid in a bunk bed. She'll probably break her body in half and CPS will take her away because she'll be all "no, I never fell out of my bed..."

Kids are so entertaining. 

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