Monday, August 4, 2014


Once again, I can't remember what I have and haven't mentioned. Here's today though. 

I'll write a separate post about Brady because holy cow, he's changed so much since we got back from Atlanta. So much, so fast. A few months ago he went through a stage where he said "mom" allll day long. Like "mom mom mom mom mom mom mom."  Seriously. Not he's in a phase where he is constantly asking or talking about daddy. Climbs in his highchair and when I ask him what he wants, all he tells me is "daddy."  Or just throughout the day "mommy..."  Yeah? "I want daddy."  We'll great, just wait 11 more hours and he'll be home again. ; )

Since Brady has been waking up every morning between 6:45 and 7, we get an early start on our days and this morning had no problem getting to story time on time. Actually we were there by 10:30... A full half hour early. And we all ate a hot breakfast and cleaned up the kitchen, I did my makeup, filled out Brady's passport application, and gathered up a ton of books to return. Not even in a hurry. I'm really liking this change of events although it's still challenging for me as I learn to go to bed earlier. 

We saw so many people at the library. We had plans to meet Elle and Jodi there, but I also saw one friend from my old ward, one lady that I know from the stake, and three more of my friends from my current ward, everyone independent of the other. I love living in Parker. It really feels like a tiny town with how I'm always running into friends. 

After the library, I dropped Abigail off at Elle's and Jodi took the girls to the park. I put Brady down for nap and [since his naps are only an hour since we got back in town] got to work. I mostly uncluttered the garage and swept it out, but also fixed all the squeaky doors in the house. 

This is our evening section. Ready for trips to the mailbox, hockey on the driveway, or just hanging out in our new (free from our neighbors that moved) camp chairs. And normally Abigail's bike is parked underneath but she'd just left and taken it to Lucy's. That girl is so social, I feel like I never see her. 

Brady pretended to have a life independent of my hip. 

Ps- this stuff is awesome. When I bought it years ago, the guy working at Walmart said to get this because it was way better than WD-40. Well, I don't have anything to compare it to, but I will say that it has 100% fixed every single thing I've ever used it for. 

PPS- this was the original picture. This guy doesn't believe in personal space. 

Also, Brady still gets injured all the time. The gash across his nose (from falling down the garage steps) was finally healing and this morning, he fell off of a kitchen chair while I was filling out his passport application and got a big red bump on his forehead. He fell again at the library (I think off of a kid chair he'd pushed across the room) and bashed his face into a plastic wall hanging book holder and has two scratches across his chin/cheek that luckily only bled a bit. It's probably because he's a boy and he's not terribly coordinated and he tries to do everything he sees Abigail do. Like this.  

Happiest part of his day: when I told him daddy would be home in 20 minutes. We took our smoothies straight outside to wait. And that kid drank his entire sippy of smoothie. He eats so much. 

And then the kids had peas for dinner while we had a little fhe lesson. We suck at family dinners and fhe but it is a goal of mine not to suck at either. So tonight?  That's a huge win for me. Peas and a picture story about Lehi and me reading a few stories from the friend on my phone. Not a well rounded meal but we started with a prayer and I think we felt the spirit. ; )  just kidding, we for sure did. 

Anyways, tomorrow we're taking Brady in to get his passport application submitted and heading to the splash pad. And maybe even getting chick fil a for breakfast and stopping by the outlets. I've got lofty goals. Waking up early is really doing that to me. 

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