Monday, August 25, 2014


Honey was supposed to be out of town tonight but the client rescheduled. As a result, my day was much better than it otherwise would have been. Life is easier if I know I'll see my honey in a few hours. 

This morning, Abigail woke me up by telling me that she'd gotten dressed herself. In her favorite fancy dress. She's obsessed. I just love when she dresses herself  before coming downstairs.

Emma came over to play while her mom went to an appointment. It was nice for Abigail to have someone to play with since Brady slept so late. Til 1pm actually. Crazy kid. 

Emma left and so, naturally, Abigail needed to find another friend ASAP. Lucy. But I had baby girl change into play clothes first (as opposed to the Sunday dress she was wearing) and she picked this skirt... And her Minnie shirt. For the life of me, I can't get her to wear coordinating outfits. She got such cute clothes but her matching is a little different than my own. ; )  also, for the past week, she's decided she only wants to wear skirts. Every day... Skirts. 

Life is good when produce is cheap. And my heart is happy too. 

Did I already mention they're supposed to start building town houses back here sometime?  I've heard those rumors for years but this rumor is that they'll start building in the spring. If that's true, I'm going to really, really miss these cows. 

Since honey was in town, he played in his softball game (and we actually went to watch for the first time in two months!) and the weather was wonderful. Cool and overcast and it even sprinkled on us for at least ten minutes. And then this. One of the most remarkable complete double rainbows I've ever seen. The lower one was so insanely vibrant... Especially at the bottoms. Too bad I only have this iPhone pic to show for it. 

Then we did bath (and bananas in the bath) and bedtime. It was a good day. 

Except that my computer might have died. I was so sad last night when my huge blog post got erased because I have anxiety about memories fading. Like if my kid does something cute and I don't record it immediately, I'll forget and it'll be lost forever. It's getting to be a problem for me and I try to keep myself grounded as best I can but blog posts getting erased doesn't help. Well, my laptop not turning on also doesn't help. Maybe my dad can work some magic this weekend. He's kind of a miracle worker sometimes. 

Yeay for my parents coming in town for the weekend!!!!

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