Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Abigail goes to school

Abigail had her first day of preschool today. It went really well. My biggest concern today (and actually for the year) is being punctual dropping her off and picking her up. So the fact that I was exactly on time for both today was a huge success and great start to the year. The more important topics like how Abigail loved it and how her teacher said she was perfectly behaved... Those get mentioned second... Because while they're more important, is anyone surprised at either?  No. 

But really, I'm so happy about it. Abigail's teacher said she had excellent manners and was a great friend to the other kids. Abigail said she had a fun time and was so excited to make friends with a little girl in her class named Annie. She told me all about the book they read in class ( a cowboy ate a fly or something?!) and what she ate for snack (pretzels and Oreos and a juice box) and a story miss heather told them about when she was little (she wore red shoes to church and didn't like them so she never wore the red shoes again) and her favorite activity (play dough, which they did on mats to keep the table clean, and she picked pink then purple then yellow and didn't mix them together so they stayed pretty) and I loved hearing about every bit of it. 

This'll be a great year for us. 

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