Monday, September 8, 2014

Well behaved kids!

This day has to be recorded in the books!  Abigail was so sweet and obedient today and it was A M A Z I N G and ohmygoodness oh so needed for me!  

She woke me up at 7:30 but patiently waited to come downstairs again til 8:30... After she'd done everything she was supposed to. She threw away her diaper and went potty and washed her hands and got dressed and told the truth about it all. We snuggled in bed and made presents for each other. She didn't complain any of the subsequent times during the day that I asked her to go potty. We read books together on multiple occasions. She helped me out away laundry and "surprised me" by organizing her undies and pjs. 

She came to me while I was getting Brady ready and said that she'd laid out my clothes for me. 

It was pink pants and a pink striped shirt and she was even thoughtful enough to include a tank top for underneath. I was seriously considering wearing it until I realized how she was able to reach those things since my clothes are high in my closet. Well, she pulled them all out of our dirty clothes. But I let her pick out a new outfit for me which included jeans and another pink striped shirt and I wore it for the rest of the day. Including during our selfie shoot. 

For the record... She was wearing a different outfit when she woke up. Until she saw me taking clothes out of the dryer and was all, "I'm going to change into that dress you're holding. But then I won't change clothes anymore."  She stayed true to her word. Even when she saw that afternoon that Lucy was wearing pants (which almost never happens) and she was like "Lucy's wearing pants today!" And then after looking down at her own outfit continued "but I'm just going to keep wearing this dress. Because I like it."  It's true. She's obsessed with the dress. Good find mom! I'm excited that next summer she can wear it as a shirt with the legging shorts that came with it. 

We just had such a good day. Because she was doing everything I was asking her to do, I was very inclined to do everything she asked me to do. Like jow she got two shows while Brady slept in, numerous gummy treats throughout the day, chocolate milk, and french bread/toast for a snack. She ate all of her oatmeal and eggs for breakfast, helped me clean her room, and listened to shrek music with me on my phone. We even did the you tube karaoke of "I got you beat" together and it was adorable. An optimal way to spend Brady's nap time. 

And that kid did really well today too. He slept til noon, napped from 3:30 to 6, went to bed at 9 with zero crying, and did not move our kitchen chairs to climb on our counter tops one single time all day long. 

So basically, today was a success. I didn't yell at my kids even once, I did laundry, dishes, cleaned Abigail's room, made my bed, kept my clothes clean, took the kids outside for a walk around the block (but holy cow what is up with having perfect weather that you can't even enjoy because of the swarms of mosquitos?!), made dinner (and froze extras in the freezer for quick dinners/lunches) and had it hot on the table ready to eat when honey got home, talked to my grandmother for a while, and even got in 45+ minutes of scripture reading. All because my kids behaved. 

So let's just make sure to remember this day. It is likely not to repeat itself for a loooong time, if ever. ; )

On another note, I asked my grandmother today if she'd been reading any good books lately and she said that just over the weekend she'd started the Book of Mormon again. I told her I'd like to read along with her. She's already on chapter 14, so I've got some catching up to do already. I don't anticipate being able to keep up, but I'm really good at loving lofty goals I have no chance of achieving and I thought this one seemed irresistible. So, I'm mentioning it here for a little accountability. I skipped the intro (I promise I'll come back to it) and am currently on chapter 5. Anyone else want to join the fun? 

So, that was my day. As I said... Definitely one for the books! 

1 comment:

Diana C. said...

I love your selfies with Abigail. They are adorable. MIss your face!