Monday, September 29, 2014

Kid update

Catching up on the kids....

Abigail hasn't been lying anymore. Also, since I got her some gold... or as she says "golden"... hair clips, she hasn't been twirling her hair anymore either. Also, she's been acting really mature (but in a giddy strawberry shortcake sort of way) about going potty and doing other things that I ask her to. "When we get inside, will you put your shoes away and go potty?" "Oh! [giggles] sure! [more giggles] of course!" I'll take it!  Tonight I got impatient with her at dinner and raised my voice a bit.... And it made me realize that I haven't done that in a while. Hallelujah because for a while, that was a way too frequent occurance. 

She still uses the Lucy voice inflection and tone of voice and the occasional "DUH!" but we're working on this. My best guess is that she doesn't know it is rude, it's just habit because she hears it constantly when she's playing with her friends. But all in all, the girl has been a wonderful friend to me lately and is really enjoyable to be around and really patient with me, which I always appreciate. 

Brady is still the most ticklish kid on the planet with an insane sweet tooth. He loves to eat anything and everything all day long and then refuses dinner. He still pushes chairs over and climbs on our countertops but it's slightly less frequent than it was. He still doesn't enjoy kids his age or people he doesn't know but is extremely loyal to those he actually loves. At the missionary farewell open house, Chris's brother, John, was there and Brady ran right to him. Everyone was shocked because they know how anti social Brady is... And then they put it together that he was Brady's uncle. Brady does not go to strangers. Or acquaintances. 

Brady talks so much now and it is awesome and hilarious... Every time. It hasn't gotten old for me yet and actually just keep setting exponentially better. Even when he's shouting at another baby in church to "GO WAY!"  He says a lot of two word things like "daddy's shoes" but if you count his grunts that mean words, he also says stuff like "it's a show!" and "I want daddy home!" He learns so quickly repeating things he hears so he says a lot of numbers and letters. If you ask him how old he is, he'll tell you he's five. It drives Abigail crazy. ; ) maybe because he's already one upping her. 

Brady is the mist ticklish kid I've ever experienced and laughs so easily if I just make a funny face or a joke (I'm still trying to figure out how he knows to laugh at my sarcastic jokes because Abigail doesn't get them and honey frequently won't give a noticeable reaction... But Brady is right there laughing like crazy). 

Brady is my piano practicing buddy. He frequently grunts at me when I sing to him (but only if we're alone... If I'm singing to him and Abigail then he's totally okay with it) but loves to hang out with me while I play piano. I'm a little bit dependent on it now and miss him when he choses to play somewhere else while I practice instead of hanging out in the office with me. 

Brady freaks out if I don't let him buckle the top buckle on his car seat. It's been going on for like two months and the novelty still hasn't worn off. 

Also, he's really good about letting Abigail help him with things. I can tell him to climb in his high chair and then ask Abigail to snap his tray, push him to the table, and put his bib on and get him a fork, and he's 100% okay with it and doesn't fight it. 

And I guess that actually applies to most everything. They are such good friends and love helping each other out. Abigail is afraid of flushing the toilet, but together, they can go upstairs and Abigail can watch while Brady flushes the toilet for her. Or they can go to the other room together to clean up toys. I hope they stay good friends because it is heaven how well they get along. Abigail used to occasionally just take things from him, but now that Brady is older, she knows that they can have a conversation about a toy that she'll give it to him when she's done or that they can make a trade or take turns doing something. The hardest part is that Abigail will get worked up when brady is being disobedient or breaking a rule and I have to tell her that he makes his own choices and we just have to do our best to encourage him. But she's getting better at working through Brady's disobedience... as am I. ; )

So really, life with these two is wonderful. Two weeks ago and three weeks ago was insanely rough, but I think they realized I was reaching my breaking point and are going a little easier on me for the time being. 


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