Monday, September 22, 2014

An easy day

My kids have been challenging for me lately. My patience has been wearing very thin and I haven't been able to tolerate much crap from those two, which is unfortunate because they're not aware of the need to be on their best behavior for me. 

But today? Hallelujah I got dealt an easy day. So let's take a moment and review the wonderful things I am so grateful for about my day today. 

I slept in til 8:15. I read scriptures and filed my nails and browsed my phone and basked in my aloneness until 10:45 when Abigail came downstairs. We spent some time just chatting until finally heading to the kitchen to make breakfast (I let Abigail choose but, bless her little heart, she suggested "let's make eggs because it's your favorite!" ... so we did) and eat together. Brady woke up somewhere around 12:30 I think as we were cleaning up and he was on his best behavior since it was basically his lucky day that his eggs were all ready and the perfect temperature and his milk all poured and ready for him at the table. He are that all and some plums. I started some laundry, the kids played, Brady snacked on plums again later, and I even practiced the piano a bit. From 3:30 - 4:30, I went over to my neighbors' house to babysit for a bit until the husband got home from work (sorry I couldn't pick up your call, Emmy!) and then left Abigail there to keep playing with Lucy, while Brady kept himself busy while I worked on laundry. Honey texted about Texas Roadhouse and I actually said yes. 

He gave me his 20 minute warning and said he'd be home by 5. I got dressed, retrieved Abigail, and got Brady in the car. We had a $50 gift card that we had to use in one transaction and a card for a free appetizer. We ate until we were double our initial size (honey asked me if I felt fat or if I was actually fat... What???) and took F O U R to go boxes home with steak, shrimp, baked potato, French fries, rolls and honey butter, and two full loaded sweet potatoes and two partial loaded sweet potatoes. For the record... Our fried pickles didn't make it because we ate the entire basket of them while we were there. And as we were paying, our waitress informed us that it was kids night and our kids each got a free little bowl of ice cream and access to the toppings bar. I ate most of Brady's ice cream because he pretty much only wanted gummy bears. His sweet tooth is so intense. We got home by 6:45 and took a quick walk around the block. When we got inside, Abigail spontaneously pulled out our scripture pictures and asked honey to share a scripture story with us. Then I sent the kids upstairs with honey and went outside to mow the lawn in the dark. I cut it diagonally for the first time ever which probably looks horrible because I have no experience and it was pitch black. And I also attempted to edge it too... Just for good measure. Then I calmed a crying Brady and held his hand while he fell asleep and enjoyed some quiet time on his floor. And then was amazed that it was only 8:15. So I took a leisurely shower and wasted time on my phone and wrote a long schedule/to do list for tomorrow. 

I am sooooo very grateful for my freebie day today. Just when I thought I would hit my breaking point...

As a side note, my neighbor's daughter woke up at 5:30 this morning. 

As another random side note, I think Abigail falls out of bed nightly but has no clue because she sleeps through it. 

And another birthday shout out to my dearest fwend sawah...

And another random... Since we parked next to this car tonight and papa will be 94 next month!

What a great day! Crossing my fingers I can be a decent mother tomorrow! 

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