Monday, May 25, 2015

Late night pregnant ramblings

I'm so nervous to go into labor this time. I feel like I'm constantly on high alert to how I'm feeling and trying to be so ready to anticipate the start of labor. It makes me think of first trimester when I was constantly anticipating if I'd throw up. I'd be somewhere scoping out trash cans or making sure I had a hand in my purse on the throw up bag I'd packed just in case and was always thinking "okay, what would I do if I needed to vomit three seconds from now?"  But now I'm all, "okay, what would I do if I started having contractions right now?" and stuff like "I don't want to unload the dishwasher before I go to bed... but what if I went into labor tonight?  I'd have wished I'd taken the time to unload the dishes."  I've started to look at the clock when I have contractions so I can make note of the next one happens soon. Sometimes I feel like I go an hour or two between contractions, but then other times I feel like I'll have three within 45 minutes or an hour. With Brady, I woke up with contractions 5-6 minutes apart, but I wonder if maybe my body had been laboring and having contractions during the night while I slept. But with Abigail, I'd been awake and I know that I went from no noticeable contractions to immediately having steady contractions 2-3 minutes apart. It's tricky to know. Also, I've done almost no practice breathing this time around so I'm nervous about that because it's likely I'll have another natural labor and holy crap I know it's gonna be painful. Someone in honeys office sent out an email to everyone in the office asking them to place their bets on when our baby would be born. Ha. Honey guessed Saturday (may 30th) and my fil guessed the following Tuesday (june 2nd)... I told honey that my guess was this Thursday... But only because I have an appointment set for Friday and it's during Brady's naptime (kaiser normally only does every two weeks at the end but my doctor felt like I'd already dropped a bit and was expressing some concern that I'd go early again and she'd like to see me back sooner than two weeks) because it was scheduled so last minute and I don't want to go to it because it's so inconvenient. Ha. But if we're talking dates... I like the look of 5.27.15 the best and 5.30.15 second best. As for June... Well I'd prefer not. I don't mind being pregnant for that long, but for some reason I've always had a love for the month of May and wished my birthday was in May... And since getting married , I've always wanted a May baby. So hopefully that can happen. Ha. 

For the record, this time with last pregnancy, I'd gone on my hospital tour tonight and Brady was born tomorrow morning by 9am. I'm not quite ready for that... But maybe Wednesday or Thursday would be okay? Also, if I could request to go into labor during the night this time, that would just be great. Then I could just call my mil to come over (and if we needed to hurry and leave for the hospital we could just leave and give her the garage code since our kids would be asleep in their beds anyway) and I wouldn't have to worry about being out and needing to get home or arrange childcare or getting in touch with honey at work or running into traffic or anything. Yes... Let's just plan on that... That sounds great. Until then, I'll keep trying to track the super sporadic contractions I have. 

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