Monday, May 25, 2015

Sunday Memorial Monday

Sunday was a pretty good day where Abigail woke me up at 7am but it was because she was so excited to pick out a prize for going potty during the night. We did her new puzzle in my bed a few times and hung out. I have the kids a bath before church and fed them a nutritious oatmeal breakfast. They were dressed cute and I even showered and got fully ready myself. We were only two minutes late to church (at least honey was there to save us seats) and I was feeling pretty good about life. I got something out of all three hours of church and Brady did great at nursery. Coming home, I fed us all eggs and took Abigail to choir practice with me while honey out Brady down for a nap. I got home around 4 and read books to Abigail in my bed before quiet time. Then our home teacher came over at 4:30 and we visited for 30 minutes before getting Brady up and heading to the Hillier's for Kelsey's birthday dinner. Abigail fell sleep in the car on the way there. Go figure.

We had a fun night with the Hilliers. "Who want to talk to uncle John?!" and "who wants a treat?!"  The cousins do. 

We got the kids home and to bed and all in all, it was a busy and accomplished day. 

Which of course meant that it would be followed by a super crappy day for me. Because heaven forbid should I go more than a day without crying. ; ) 

The kids and I slept in again. I woke up close to ten and the kids were maybe around 10:30 or so? I can't remember when I finally got Brady out but he was crying because he'd gotten hurt while jumping in his crib (which happens alllll the time) and said he'd hurt his elbow. I asked him where his elbow was and he pointed to his upper lip. And of course it was so cute that he kept insisting his upper lip was called his elbow. 

Abigail drove me crazy all day (she normally the main reason for my tears) and I was crying by 11:52am. Can I not make it past noon without crying?  Whatever. Honey was set to go golfing with his dad and brother and last minute we both thought he should bring Brady (who is obsessed with all sports, but most recently, with golf) and I was grateful to have the time to myself to do some laundry and cleaning while Abigail played dollhouse and colored. She took this picture to Lucy's and left it on her doorstep since she wasn't home. 

Meanwhile, Brady was in heaven golfing with the guys. Honey said he was saying hilarious stuff the whole time (no surprise there... The kid is always making us laugh out loud) and would grip the steering wheel and call out "READY?!  ARE YOU READY, DAD?"  

Standing next to grandpa. 

Luckily I remembered to have honey take one of Brady's little putting clubs with him. 

I'm so glad Brady got to go. I would have loved for him to take Abigail (because she couldn't listen for the life of her and I had zero patience to forgive her mistakes), but she probably wouldn't have enjoyed it at all... And Brady absolutely loved it. 

We met at the Hilliers again for a last minute BBQ (I cried on the way over and didn't even want to go... Does that tell you how out of sorts I've been lately with my emotions?) and had seafood dip with wheat thins that so wonderfully hit the spot, and shrimp and veggie kabobs and hamburgers and hot dogs. Everyone except myself (what can I say? I'm lazy) played lawn darts (honey gave it to his dad for his birthday a few weeks ago) and the kids had fun playing outside. The weather was great. Not hot at all and the rain held off til after six. 

Honey got silly with his corn on the cob. Brady thinks this picture is awesome.  

Riding outside. 


Brady had to help push Abigail up the hill when she couldn't make it and asked for assistance. If only I'd had my camera out a little sooner... It was precious. 

Honey helped Nate with his algebra homework. 

While Klaudette read books to Abigail and Brady looked at golf pictures (and other pictures from the day) on my phone. 

And then we came home and I put kids to bed and felt like a somewhat accomplished mom again. 

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