Sunday, May 31, 2015

poor abigail and poor honey

thursdsay night i sent honey home to put the kids to bed and stay at the house with them.  friday morning, he texted me that abigail was awake by 7am, which is early for her normally and especially lately and extra especially since the kids didn't get to bed til 9:30pm.  he asked if she wanted breakfast and she said no (weird, because she always says yes and requests cereal) and that she'd rather just lay in bed for a bit.  so she snuggled with christopher in bed for a bit, but instead of being rambunctious and playing under the covers, she actually was really still and quiet.  and then she fell asleep.  so then at 8:08, honey texted me a picture of abigail fast asleep.  and at 8:11am texted me "abigail just woke up vomiting."  awesome.  she said she woke up feeling sick and that now her stomach hurts.  eventually klaudette got to the house to watch the kids and honey came to the hospital for a few hours to help out with all the checks and tests and paperwork and everything that goes along with getting discharged from the hospital.  it all went well and we were happily leaving the parking lot at noon.  when we got home, we left elizabeth's carseat on the kitchen island for maybe 10 minutes or so and then carried her straight up to the guest room (that's her nursery for now)... and she hasn't left the room since... 48 hours later.  

so friday was abigail sleeping constantly and throwing up occasionally.  klaudette had brought us a rotisserie chicken and some potato salad and rolls but then after we got back she went to the store for some pedialyte and emetrol (for nausea).  when she came back, i asked if she wanted to run upstairs for a second to see elizabeth.  and while we were in the room, abigail started throwing up downstairs... so klaudette ran down with the vomit bowl but wasn't fast enough.  so she spent the next little bit helping christopher clean up and give abigail a bath and coax her into eating a little bit of roll.  and then i think she ran to the store yet again to get some children's tylenol (in pink, as requested by abigail) because in the mean time, we'd discovered that abigail had a 101.4 fever.  

honey had been planning on putting a movie on for the kids while he ran to his 5:30 dentist appointment but ended up cancelling it because if abigail threw up, i'd be in a tight spot not being able to touch her or clean up anything.  speaking of... i haven't touched abigail since thursday afternoon at the hospital (except for her shoulder briefly by accident and i washed my hands three times immediately after) and she's not allowed in the guest room.  poor kid asked me last night when she would be allowed to come in.  i feel so bad for her.  

luckily, abigail didn't throw up at all friday night and saturday was seeming pretty happy and normal.  we didn't let her play with friends and i still wouldn't touch her, but she was able to play outside quite a bit and she and brady played all day long and had a blast.  we were crossing our fingers it was just a 24 hour thing and were so glad that we'd be in the clear for sunday.  

sunday morning, abigail woke up and had spit up just a little on the floor and said she felt sick.  chris was somewhat skeptical but went ahead and cleaned it up.  not too much later, abigail was puking majorly into the vomit bowl.  so after that finished, honey put her back in bed (not like she'd really left it though) and she slept til almost 1.  so, that killed our sunday plans.  honey was going to take the kids to church with him (we have 11-2 church), but everyone ended up staying home since we didn't know if abigail would throw up again and i can't go near her.  also, honey had had elder's quorum visits scheduled for the afternoon (when brady would be napping and abigail could be watching a movie or having quiet time), but he cancelled those.  and klaudette had invited us all to dinner (with the option of having just honey and the kids go and bring a plate home for me and the other option of just having her bring us all dinner to our house) and i'd been hoping we could go so i could get out a bit or at least let the kids get out... well, now she'll be delivering dinner to our house.  

the worst part though is that it's just extending this whole process of keeping abigail quarantined.  which brings me to the poor honey part of all of this.  not only has he been solely in charge of all of the normal duties of caring for two kids like meal times and bedtimes and play times, but he's also been doing all of the cleaning up vomit and sanitizing everything and giving abigail baths, and doing all the laundry that comes with all of this... taking care of abigail but trying to keep brady from getting sick (even when he gets into abigail's vomit and then throws a fit when he gets his hands washed because "i want abigail's throw up!"... gross) and really just doing e v e r y t h i n g that needs to be done.  so as if that's not all bad enough... he's keeping himself quarantined from elizabeth and myself.  i haven't touched honey since we got home from the hospital and he has only touched elizabeth one time (which was immediately after he'd showered and gotten new clothes on and walked straight up to the guest room without touching anything else first) and i know it's killing him not to be able to see her or interact with her more.  

the biggest blessing of this all is that my recovery has been wonderfully easy (my milk coming in is by far the most painful thing i'm experiencing, but even then, i'm only taking four or so ibuprofen a day... and even those are optional) and that elizabeth is an angel baby like abigail was.  i'm not sure how long that'll last, but for now, it's something that is really helping our little family with this situation.  i mena, this would be considerably more difficult if i was needing honey to bring me all of my meals and refill my milk bottle and bring me random baby items and wait on me hand and foot... because he's already so preoccupied and because it wouldn't be possible to keep the germs contained if he's cleaning up vomit and getting me food.  i'm not too worried about elizabeth getting sick because she doesn't move and it's not too hard to keep everything away from her.  my biggest fear is that i'll get sick and then i wouldn't be able to nurse elizabeth and that would kill me (and give me way too much stress about milk supply issues).  

sooo, that's what we've been up to over in these parts.  maybe soon i can post some baby pictures and a little bit of non-vomit related happenings.  ; )

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