Saturday, May 2, 2015

When I got everything done

Today was extremely productive and holy cow am I beat! 

I started my day reading three conference talks on parenting/children. 

I got dressed and did my hair and makeup. 

I made chocolate chip waffles for the kids (pecan waffles for myself) with everything on top (whipped cream, powdered sugar, syrup, and fresh strawberries) and we all ate breakfast together so happily. It was delicious.

The kids played so well together listening to Aladdin music and then Magyar music while I unloaded the dishwasher, organized our cup cabinet, did the dishes, and cleaned up the kitchen a bit. 

I did three loads of laundry start to finish and there is nothing dirty in the house right now. Woohoo! 

I mowed the lawn, edged it, did some yard work, filled the giant blue trash can, swept out the garage, and even weeded some. 

Brady took a great nap while Abigail had quiet time. 

I showered! 

I cleaned the shower! Scrubbed the glass clean and super scrubbed the floor. I hate cleaning our shower floor. 

I put on sleeping beauty for Abigail and brady and baby girl's friend, Alice. Abigail loved that she got to have a friend over for a princess movie party. She wore her Ariel dress the whole day. 

I made Rice Krispie treats with the kids tonight while waiting for their oatmeal to cool down. And then, since I put some chocolate chips in there, they ate it super fast and got to have some Rice Krispie treat before bed. 

I vaccumed the upstairs. 

My kitchen is clean. Counters, dishes, floors...

Actually, the great room is clean and so are both kids bedrooms. 

I practiced the piano multiple times today. 

I didn't binge eat mass amounts of sugar in relation to parenting my children. I didn't horribly yell at them either. 

Holy cow I am exhausted. Also, my shooting back pain is getting worse. I'm wondering if it's tied to my physical activity like mowing the lawn and doing other yard work. 

According to the fatigue hitting my body, there's got to be other things I did today that I'm forgetting right now. But holy cow it feels good to have that stuff done. I love when the kids have closets full of clean clothes and that I have fresh sheets on my bed that is made soooo perfectly right now. 

Saturday is a special day... It's the day we get ready for suuuunday. 

Someone give me a pat on the back for this... And then just keep patting... With both hands... and massage my muscles a bit while you're at it. 

k, thanks.

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