Monday, May 11, 2015

Mother's Day

Mother's Day was pretty great. I woke up to delicious breakfast in bed from my honey. Two plates of my favorite French toast with cream cheese, syrup, and berries. And then honey cleaned our entire kitchen. That may have been the best part. ; )  I sure do love a clean kitchen. It did make me feel like a horribly lazy wife though because he's cleaned our kitchen every day since he got home from his trip last Monday. And has fed himself/our kids/our whole family, at least half those nights. I'm big and pregnant and struggle to find the motivation to do anything other than lay in bed. Anyway, it was appreciated. Honey also got both kids ready for church while I showered. And he subbed Abigail's class during church. I had a great three hours of church, a wonderful time skyping with my family, a relaxing naptime reading Harry Potter, and a fun evening eating dinner and opening presents at my in laws. 

So the day was great and honey totally rocked it. But I will say, my kids didn't really do much of anything other than wish me happy Mother's Day and try to take my candy. 

Today though, they did their part. I woke up at 7:30 and, even though I was still so tired, I was too sick and congested to go back to sleep. So I read for a while and then at 9, put my head down to go back to sleep. And sleep I did. I heard abigail come downstairs at 10:15 with books in hand but when she saw I was asleep, she took them to the great room and read by herself on the sofa. I guess she was hungry though because I got a little tap tap tap on my shoulder with a "could you get me a bowl of cereal?" just 15 minutes later. 

So I started my day at 10:30, ate a bowl of cereal in bed, and then read a few books with abigail until I heard brady calling for me at11. Mother's Day part two?  I'll take it. Also, being sick while pregnant is so annoying. All I want is drugs but I never want to take anything. I guess I'll just keep lazing it in bed and blowing my nose every five seconds. 

Happy Monday! 

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