Friday, September 2, 2016



What a great day. Honey and Brady dropped Abigail off at school and then we all went at 9:45 to watch her at field day. There were way less parents than I anticipated so it was nice that it really wasn't crowded. We stayed for the two hours and then went home for lunch before sending honey off to work. Elizabeth went down for nap and Brady played with Presley until 4 when we had to pick Abigail up. 

Getting home, we did the normal stuff of putting shoes away and unloading backpack/lunch box and working on whatever school assignments came home partially undone. We left at 5:15 to head to the lonetree library. We were just going to stop by for a little bit to check it out (it's only a few months old) and then head to chipotle to use our free cards. Buuut, honey ended up interested in this presentation that started at 6:30 upstairs from this skiing mountaineer guy... And they were actually even handing out even more chipotle cards. The guys photography was amazing. He's got a book or two out and goes around doing presentations. The thing he talked about tonight was climbing (and skiing down)20 volcanos in 30 days. So, we stayed for all of that while abigail and brady played downstairs in the kids part of the library. We left at 7:30... After being there a full two hours... And the kids were begging to stay or come back first thing in the morning. Ha. 

We went straight to chipotle (because now we had 9 cards for free burrito/sala/bowl/etc that needed to be used in the next two weeks) and got our dinner. We used three cards for our family of five and it was still plenty of food and with leftovers. The funny part of our dinner though was that soon after starting our meal, I heard someone sit down at the table next to Chris and say something like "got the whole family now for dinner, huh?" And assumed it was someone from the stake. It wasn't. It was the mountaineering guy using his free chipotle card for dinner too. So we got to talk to him for our whole meal. He's really cool and easy to talk to. Constantly hiking mountains. 

So, we got home after 9. Kids in bed around 10. And me being so dead tired. It was a great day. 

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