Friday, September 7, 2012


baby girl loves to color but we don't do it often enough.  it's like i forget that it's an option because the only time we color is when abigail actually asks for it.  like this morning.  so i got out her "colors" and she went to town.  but my favorite part was that she was more interested in asking me about colors than actually coloring with her crayons.  "blue?"  "nope, that one's brown."  "it's red!"  "nope, sorry baby girl.  it's orange."  and so on.  why are colors so difficult for kids?  and why do they always think everything is blue?!


then we moved on to baby girl's favorite puzzle.  my mother in law got it for her to keep her occupied on our trip to branson last thanksgiving and even though it wasn't until months later that she really got into it, this puzzle has gotten a lot of use.  like a lot a lot.  we've tried to take good care of it but you can still see the wear on the pieces.  but that's just a sign of a well loved toy, right?!

and then when i saw this i almost died.  teenager much?

but baby girl was obviously playing a joke because she busted out laughing like her straight face was the most hilarious trick she ever did play.
as she always says... "funny abigail!  funny abigail!"

1 comment:

Unknown said...

First, I love her super cute headband! Does she keep it on ok?
Second, Joshua and his friend Henry also think everything is blue, too!
Joshua proclaims things "funny" after he laughs at them, too, which makes me laugh all over again, rinse, repeat. Kids are so fun.