Sunday, September 23, 2012

pictures to be added in a future post

oh my heavens i seriously don't even know where to begin.  last i blogged it was about 4am on a friday morning and i was manually changing the scheduling of my post so that it looked like i'd written it at a decent time on a thursday night.  atlanta was insanely busy.  first it was wedding prep.  then wedding and baby blessing.  then i stayed up til 4 30am that one night after my friends left.  and for a day or two i slept in because i was so exhausted.  but then i panicked at my dwindling amount of time left with my mom.  sorry, that sounded a little morbid.  she's not dying... i just won't see her again til the end of december when she comes out to take care of me after i have a baby.  i am happy to report that my mother is alive and well.  anyways though... i continued staying up late at night hanging out with my parents and then getting online to edit pictures, blog, etc. but i started setting my alarm for 7:30 in the morning so that i could get up and ready and have a few hours with my mom before abigail woke up.  i'll make a little note right here and say that even though we were in atlanta for nine days... she never adjusted to east coast time.  oh well.  it has make our transition back to MST a complete non issue but i can write more about that later.  the point is... i was getting like four hours of sleep at night (although sometimes a little more) and not taking any naps to compensate.  i'm sure my mother is gasping and reprimanding me in her head right now while my sisters are thinking about what poor choices i make.  ; )  love you too!

so i felt like i was running around with my head cut off trying to get my parents' house in order since my ADD and OCD had simultaneously taken over their house.  it was so much fun and so satisfying though.  friday morning was crazy busy.  my dad wanted everything i've ever owned out of their house.  i really didn't have a lot of stuff but it was random keepsake stuff from childhood through high school and it didn't make sense for it to stay in a bedroom closet anymore when they needed that space for guest rooms.  so i sorted through a million (well, maybe like 18) years of stuff and categorized it and helped my dad pack it in giant boxes so bring out to me when they come for the baby blessing in february.  it ended up being only three boxes which is perfect because they get one free checked bag when they fly delta so mom can bring one when she comes after little boy is born and then they can each bring another when they come for the blessing.  excelente.  also, mom and i tied up a bunch of loose ends on organizing stuff and i wrote long to do lists for my dad and my mom which made us all laugh a little bit at the roll reversal.  i was a disorganized slob growing up so it's still strange to them that i turned into their ocd child.  i mean, my tried and true method for cleaning my room was to shove all of my junk into a pile against the wall and then cover it neatly with a perfectly draped bath towel.  and if you don't believe me, i have a number of friends that would be more than happy to testify i'm sure.

then when my childhood stuff was packed away, my parents' house in order, and my bag and baby girl's bag for our trip packed (basically a few unused outfits and nine days of dirty clothes because who has time to do laundry?!), we headed out around 2:30pm... only a few minutes late!  we met dad at the varsity for an oh so delicious lunch and then mom took us to the airport.  and although the flight was far from miserable, it was by no means fantastic.  i wasn't the patient enthusiastic mom that wanted to play games and entertain my child.  i was the sleep deprived mom begging my child to "FOR THE LOVE PLEASE JUST GO TO SLEEP!!!" because we hadn't had time for a nap earlier in the day (varsity gets priority) and my child was also sleep deprived (ummm our flight didn't take off til after 6 pm and lasted three hours and so she was going a VERY long time being awake) and majorly grumpy.  well... i am sad to report that although she'd been begging for a nap in the car on the way to the airport (i told her no, that she had to stay awake until we got on the plane), she passed her happy time and progressed to the over-tired wired stage and DID NOT NAP ON THE PLANE.  so when honey picked us up from the airport, baby girl had been awake for between 11 and 12 hours.  and i know some kids are okay with that but my kid is one that spends 3-4 hours in her crib every afternoon for nap time.  she needs her beauty sleep.

cue the sad music of baby girl having a negligent mother.  honey texted me while we were at the varsity and asked if we wanted to go to the rockies game that night after we got in because it was the special fireworks show and he could get company tickets for us.  in my sleep deprived state (and because i've never been good at math) i calculated wrong and didn't realize until we were at the game that it was going to be a REALLY late night.  well, she napped for five or ten minutes after we left the airport but before we parked for the game.  we're too cheap to pay for parking so we park next to a starbucks a really long walk from coors field.  honey had a gift card so he got some dinner and i got a caramel apple spice.  it was delicious.  the last time i had one of those was at least three or four years ago.  last time he had a starbucks gift card.  ha.  got to the game during the 5th inning i think.  kinda watched the game.  not too exciting and the rockies lost badly.  of course.  baby girl was super tired and if we gave her a binky, she would curl up on our laps.  it was fun to snuggle.  she even snuggled with some people down the row from us but that's a story for another post.

the fireworks were awesome.  the music was good and it was all really well choreographed.  they only do a fireworks show on the 4th of july and then a random game at the end of season so it was great that we got to  go.  baby fell right asleep on the way home.  then i pulled her out of her carseat, put on a fresh diaper and pj's and laid that tired little muffin in bed at just a little before midnight.  which was almost 2am atlanta time with a baby with no nap.  friday when this was happening i was like "there is no freaking way i could ever post this on my blog" but then here i am... no edit.  so now the secret is out.  i deprive my child of naps for the varsity and i keep her up past her bedtime for baseball and fireworks.  i've always been a selfish mom though.  just read through the archives of when baby girl was a newborn.  then i when to bed and crashed.  it felt sooooo good.

then i got a text at some obscene hour of the morning about yw responsibilities.  then i woke up again at 9 30, threw on clothes and went to our yw volleyball game.  then saturday was just really productive.  honey and baby and i had an awesome time as just the three of us.  nap time happened and instead of napping i did fifty million loads of laundry for all of the clothes we've all worn in the past two weeks and stain treated all of honey's work shirts and baby girl's clothes that had food on them because for the love she would goof off non stop during meal times if my mom was present.  and then we went on a long walk to a playground in another neighborhood and the weather was perfect and all was right in the world.  and then it was bedtime.  and baby girl got two baths that day.  and one knot.  that i was able to get out with minimal damage.  i'm getting so good at those things!

and then i crashed again and it's amazing how heavenly sleep is when you've been missing it.  and then i was cursing ward council when my alarm went off at 5:55am this morning.  SHOOT ME.  but once i got up and going i was fine.  ward council was actually really good because bishop shared a lot of his notes from his meeting with elder holland who gave a special thing for bishops and stake presidencies (ps- i totally missed lunch with elder holland on friday... kinda bummed although let's face it, eating lunch at the varsity with my parents was probably my first choice anyways... but i still love you elder holland!) and then sacrament was really good and baby girl was so sweet and cuddly.  but then i was nodding off during sunday school which was a little embarrassing.  then i got bad news about duke, the dog next door, and then was running around church pulling together bishopric members so coordinate a setting apart and i swear it can't be normal to work up a sweat at church but somehow this happens to me every single sunday.  third hour i took the laurels to relief society because our laurel adviser is out of town and there was no way i was finding the time to pull together a decent lesson for the girls.  after church i came home and wanted to die but there just wasn't enough time.

we ate lunch, we cleaned up, put baby down and at 2, my laurels came over for a presidency meeting.  then they left at 4.  then i was answering emails and such.  then at 4 30 i was nodding off on the sofa thinking "it's too late in the day for a full nap because i don't want to be up all night... but i could just close my eyes for 30 or 45 mins" until i was snapped awake with the thought of "CRAP!  the missionaries are going to be here for dinner in less than an hour and i still have to pull together dinner and dessert!"  so i made a pasta salad and rice krispies and since i lack the ability to multi-task, i burned the rice krispie treat butter twice and UGH why does cooking stress me out so much?!  luckily my honey was so nice to do the dishes after church and sweep the kitchen after he woke up from his nap and grilled hamburgers and hotdogs for the missionaries.  still, it was a tender mercy that the missionaries called to ask for a ride because of a flat tire so i sent honey to pick them up and that bought me more time to get everything pulled together.

dinner was great though.  it tasted excellent, baby girl was a million percent perfectly behaved (why couldn't she have shared some of that with her grumpy plane ride self?!) and after the missionaries left i put away the extra food and the three of us had fun relaxing and playing and hanging out on the driveway.  the rest of the night was low key and honey put baby girl down early since she seemed super tired still (she went down for nap at 1:50 or so and was sleeping when i went in at 6pm to wake her up).  and now i'm emptying my mind on this insanely long and tedious and boring post that only i will ever read or look back on.  but that's kind of my point of the blog anyways so oh well.

i need things to slow down a bit but tomorrow morning i'm getting visit taught at 10, i need to go shopping, i need to do my own visiting teaching, and i need to reschedule my doctors appointment and glucose test because i think it's my turn to teach baby school this week.  oh, and the person that's in charge of planning our mutual activity for tuesday is MIA and i have about fifty things on my to do list.  my calling is just sliiiiiightly overwhelming to me at the moment.

so that's why i haven't been blogging.

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