Tuesday, September 11, 2012

sort of deja vu

saturday morning i came home from young women volleyball to find my honey painting our garage.

my honey is just like my dad.  with the exception that my honey is almost mute and my dad almost never stops talking.  aside from that though, identical.  so my life is sometimes one big deja vu when i experience things with my christopher that i've already experienced with my dad.  like how if they're in a hurry, they'll walk into a mcdonalds or whatever and instead of ordering off the menu, they'll just point behind the counter to a sandwich sitting under the heat lamp with a confident "i'll have THAT."  that's just one small example but the list goes on and on.  

when i was younger, my parents had talked about painting the living room green.  while my mom was on a trip to utah, my dad stripped the wallpaper and started painting.  my mom came home to find her living room torn apart.  and half painted.

so you have to know what i mean when i say it was a sort of deja vu coming home to everything from our garage sitting on our driveway and a partially painted garage.  it's definitely something we've talked about (well mostly me just saying over and over how much i'd love to paint our garage) but this was a surprise because every single time i've ever brought it up, my christopher has shot it down with a "why does it matter?!  it's just our garage." and we'd definitely never discussed colors or anything.  

well, i guess he was bored or something because he found a roller and a can of paint in the basement and got to work.  it's a work in progress but looks a million times better already.  i cant wait to see how good it looks when we get it all completed!

but really, tell me i'm not the only one out there who feels like they married their dad-reincarnate.  the extra good news about all of this is that i feel like i'm getting closer and closer to my goal of becoming my wonderful mother.  i mean, i'm practically living her life... just thirty years delayed.


ok said...

I TOTALLY married my dad when I married Adam. At first (even through the 5 years we dated) I thought they were totally different. But then we got married. It's little weird stupid things that don't even matter but how they both say "Close the door! You're letting all the cold air out!" (or is that all husbands?!) or how when they both want counters cleared off they just toss stuff into drawers not really caring where it goes, or how they are both creative problem solvers, or how they're both workaholics (when they like their jobs) or how they are both super sweet and tenderhearted... it's kind of eerie! I'm with you on the deja vu - I think that to myself all the time!

Lyndel said...

I married my Dad as well. It was eerie when I started realizing that Mike and my Dad were almost the same... Even down to their preferences of baked pies (pecan) and the love of a late night bowl of cereal to taking things apart to see how they work and using less pieces than originally to put it back together - mike calls that proof you made it better :) glad to see that we all experience the same things :)