Thursday, September 6, 2012

24 weeks

How far along:  24 weeks  (9.6.12)
Total weight gain/loss: +16.5 lbs
Maternity clothes:  i still feel most comfortable in regular jeans but i've worn my new maternity skinnies three times and they feel fine too.  they feel great at the waist but they totally fall off my hips whenever i bend over or sit down so it's more comfortable to have regular pants be too tight on my belly than pants that fall off whenever i move.  my favorite jeans to wear are my regular miss sixty skinnies and my paige jeans.  target skinnies and my favorite diesel jeans have been out of the picture for weeks now.  i need more maternity tops.  i seriously have about six things in my closet that fit and are appropriate for 90* weather.
Sleep:  it's been pretty good.  i don't think i've had any middle of the night bathroom breaks this week!  i remember last pregnancy my dreams were much worse (nightmares of miscarriages and performing my own c-sections, etc) and that when i would wake up my hips and back would ache to the point i wanted to cry.  maybe it's that we're sleeping on a nice bed now instead of a crappy stanford student mattress, but my body is totally comfortable when i sleep.  for which i am extremely grateful.
Best moment this week:  this category has been so difficult for me this time around and i have no idea why.  i'd have to say there hasn't been one specific moment so much as just enjoying all of the simple things that make life so wonderful.  the best moment has definitely not been watching some democratic national convention highlights though.  that made me nauseous and so sick to my stomach i wanted to barf all over the tv.  seriously.
Movement:  maybe it's just because i've been busier this week but i haven't been noticing him move like crazy like before.  this week i'd say movement was totally normal and typical and about what i was experiencing last pregnancy.  it's so awesome though.  although this kid frequently is situated in super uncomfortable down low positions.  why does he do that to me so frequently?!
Food cravings:  i really really like anything chocolate.  chocolate chips, nutella, candy bars, etc.  the more chocolate, the better.  also, rice krispies this week were quite possibly the tastiest thing i've enjoyed in forever.  those are always going to be a lifelong favorite of mine and pregnancy just makes them that much more amazing.    and at one point this week i craved cream cheese and accidentally ate half a block of it with a spoon.  totally by accident.  so yes, i realize i deserve no sympathy when i complain about my rapidly expanding hips and thighs.  i keep thinking of that pinterest quote, "nothing tastes as good as skinny feels" and honestly, i disagree every time.  ask me in january if i still feel the same way.  or don't.
Gender:  BOY!  i'm so excited.  although i've told chris multiple times this week that we should make all of our other kids girls because picking a boy name is turning out to be extremely difficult.  on the other hand, i'm loving girl names right now and i want my next daughter to be darcy.  but i will say i've totally considered bennet.  i need at least one pride and prejudice child.  also, even though it's complete irrational because i know gender is not decided by the little egg my body produced, i somehow feel special and accomplished that i can make babies of both varieties.  
What I miss:  umm, going to water parks?  ha.  pregnant people aren't allowed on water slides and rides at water parks but i did it anyways with my christopher's family on fourth of july.  well, they went to a different water park (a really super huge one in denver) and i was so excited to go until honey brought me back to reality and explained that i'm big enough now that everyone will know i'm pregnant and most likely not allow me to go on anything.  ugh.  so we did our own thing for labor day and while it was fun, i was still pretty sad to not be enjoying water slides.
Milestones:   this kid is 1.3 lbs and is probably going to pack on another half a pound within the next week!  we're making it to the big times.
Theme: the week of worrying about everything.  i didn't experience any sort of nesting last time but this time i totally am... and not just with wanting to have a nursery done, i mean everything.  i want my whole house to be perfect and organized and clean and i find myself constantly worrying about everything from my calling to finding the right furniture for baby girl's new room to holy crap what if obama gets reelected.  most all of which either doesn't matter or can't be controlled.  awesome.  anxiety, anxiety, go away... and don't ever come back.
Extra:  i occasionally it feels like spots on the under side of my belly are bruised or something.  my belly button is sometimes flat and sometimes just out on the top and flat on the bottom.  i'm hating being so out of shape but still getting so exhausted trying to go walking or anything in the heat.  lightheadedness and faintness is still present but not debilitating.  i had several days this week where i could feel myself getting super crabby and emotional and it was kinda scary.  i hate not feeling like my normal happy self.  i'm so absent minded and just all around blonde.  it gets so frustrating.  i've been limiting myself to naps just on sundays but it's getting harder to resist them during the week.  i haven't been staying up til the early hours of the morning.  last night i was so exhausted by 10 30 i thought i might die.  seriously, all i can think about is chocolate and baked goods and rice krispies.  heaven help my hips.

taken sunday 9.9.12 at 24 weeks and 3 days

taken sunday 9.9.12 at 24 weeks and 3 days

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